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Comments from Kenny1kenny

Date Story title Comment
2012-01-21 19:28:57 True Face Of Love. Cool poem. Too bad most poems don't fair so well on this site. I guess perverts just aren't poetic. Keep writing poems if you feel like doing it. If ratings to get people to read your stories is what you are after, give up the poems. They didn't like mine either.
2012-01-26 00:51:35 Total Confusion P1 (EDITED) Great story. Hopefully you'll start getting some votes. Sorry I'm all out for today. I use Microsoft Works Word Precessor to write my story. It cuts down on my spelling mistakes through its spell checker. It will even highlight grammar mistakes if you set it up to do so. Proof reading will eliminate many of the others. It may not pick up on the misuse of words like your when you meant you're and so on. Keep up the good work. I am looking forward to part two. Don't fret about the low rating. you only have 1 negative so far. It will turn around.
2012-03-01 16:59:26 Camping cousins part 1 In defense of the author, he used a lot of paragraphs. He wasn't aware that this site drops the indentations and to actually get a separation, one needs to hit enter twice.

I agree that the story was way too short. Thankfully short, or I would never have managed to finish reading it. From the looks of things, there will likely never be a part 2. Pity, it would have to have been an improvement.
2012-03-01 17:30:34 Camping and losing it with my cousin Obviously from the comments and number of readers, the story is well liked. As to it being a true story, many young cousins experimented with sex as they grew up.

Some started at a young age. Others realized an attraction during puberty when hormones were raging and bodies were changing.

I wanted to marry a certain one of my second cousins something fierce. Alas as much as I loved her, it was illegal to marry her, so we never hooked up permanently. We still get together for a fling from time to time and each is like gold. I cherish every moment with her.

The story could have been much better with a spell checker and the use of a little grammar. Some different adjectives would have kept me from 'convulsing' through the whole story. Otherwise, I enjoyed the story as well.
2012-03-01 17:38:25 so mean cuzin Sorry dude. I read the 'True Story' claim, then I read the first paragraph about your nine year old high school girl cousin. I was finished at that point.