Guide on Commercial vs Covid Cleaner

Guide on Commercial vs Covid cleaner

Keeping your employees safe is critical for any company, especially in the COVID era. Who better to provide a safe guide than a commercial cleaning service provider

To maintain the cleanliness of your facilities and guarantee that they fulfill government regulations, It’s critical to have a clear idea of what you’ll be required to do each month and on the day today.

How can you create appropriate cleaning requirements that exceed basic health and safety regulations? We’ll go over what the scope of work is and why you should have one in this post, as well as discuss what you should include in a commercial cleaning services work schedule.

What is a schedule of work?

What is a schedule work

A schedule of work is a declaration of work that covers all the project’s requirements. A commercial cleaning service’s job brief will frequently include a list of office cleaning responsibilities such as weekly equipment and furniture cleaning. The scope of work should be agreed upon between staff and management that everyone feels that the most effective and safe schedule is being followed in every area.

What Should the Schedule of a Commercial Cleaning Include?

What Should the Schedule of a Commercial Cleaning Include

What exactly does a commercial cleaning scope of work cover? Here are some of the activities you should think about while preparing your list to keep your workplace COVID-safe.

Meeting rooms and conference centers

To safeguard against contamination, all workstations and tables should be disinfected. Door handles, bins, and kettles that have been handled should also be disinfected. The flooring should be vacuumed with a steam vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and destroy any germs.

Furthermore, fixtures and fittings should be meticulously cleaned. Dusting down skirting boards, signage, or pictures on the wall, as well as plant pots (keep in mind that plants may require watering), is a good idea.

Blinds and window sills should be dusted while filing cabinets, light switches, computer equipment, keyboards, and anything else that has been handled should all be completely sanitized to prevent infection. All trash should be removed from the building and disposed of in the appropriate location.

Break-out Area/Kitchens

Disinfection is required for all surfaces in the kitchen, including the sink, worktops, and taps. Cups and mugs should be washed in warm soapy water before being stored in clean cupboards. Handles should be cleaned and cupboards wiped clean to ensure that they are free of germs and bacteria. All kitchen equipment, in particular the handles, should likewise be cleaned and disinfected.

Cleaning the refrigerator and microwave inside and out, as well as disinfecting the handles, is a must. Once or twice per week, dishwashers and coffee makers should be cleaned, while handles should be disinfected every day. Kettles and coffee machines should be descaled at least once a month if they are used frequently.

Finally, refuse should be carried out in black bags and transferred from the bin to the designated refuge area. The floor should be cleaned and dried. Clean walls, dust skirting boards, and disinfect light switches as needed.


Hospitals can include additional services for guests, helping to deliver and exceed their expectations. Types of hospitality can cover parking, valet, catering, etc.

Why it is important? it helps both staff and visitors feel comfortable and cared for, deliver a good customer or employee experience and it can even aid employee output. For instance, good catering services ensure staff is given the correct nutrition for their working day.


Toilets, sinks, and hand dryers must all be disinfected. Garbage and sanitary bins should both be emptied and sent to the proper destination. To reduce the likelihood of bacteria and disease spreading, garbage bins should also be cleaned. Mirrors and glass should be wiped clean.

Floors and walls should be cleaned as needed. Mop floors and disinfect them if necessary. Light switches should also be cleaned.

Reception/ Greeting Area

This should also be included in a commercial cleaning service if you have a reception or entry area that welcomes people.

The main reception desk surfaces, including any IT equipment, door handles, light switches, and other areas that might have been handled by visitors, should all be cleaned. This could cover everything from chairs to a coffee table, vending machines, coffee machines for passers-by, and so on. Wipe down both sides of glass doors. Clean both high and low surfaces, such as pictures, light fixtures, and skirting boards, for a spot clean.

Mop and disinfect hard-flooring or carpet. Remove and replace Rubbish Bins.


Disinfect your doorknobs and light switches. Wipe down both sides of the doors, including any glass, to remove dirt. Wipe away dust from high and low areas, including clocks, picture frames, and skirting boards. Steam clean the carpets.

How to Provide a COVID Safe workplace is?

How to provide a COVID safe workplace is

COVID infection can be prevented by using disinfectants on the surface that have been authorized under the Biocidal Products Regulation. This protects cleaning personnel from using hazardous cleaners that might cause harm to people or animals. Commercial building cleaning businesses must follow the labels of chemicals and talk about any concerns with their suppliers while products are frequently being evaluated. After each use, wash your clothes and extra reusable goods in soapy water. Not only the cleaning, if you are living in London and planning to get the wastes cleared which are generated from cleaning the house, you can contact best rubbish removal company like EWD Solutions which offers best rubbish clearance in Chelmsford.

Every day, dust and dirt should be removed from frequently handled surfaces. Anything that is often touched, such as lift buttons, may require sanitization multiple times a day.

However, you should request that staff wash or sanitize their hands as often as possible to ensure that the virus has absolutely no chance to spread.

Cleaning staff should wear masks and gloves, as well as PPE. Once they’ve completed their tasks, cleaning personnel should maintain social distance and wash their hands with soap and water.

If you follow all of the above cleaning tips, you should be keeping your workspace or store covid safe. On top of this, you will have a clean and inviting place of business which is proven to be good for your small business and productivity.