Wolfdogia's Stories | xHamster

Night club Mini

台妹騷女王愷若(Mini)超級夜店咖.聽說家裡經濟狀況不錯.年輕貌美..愛玩....算是標準的『人生勝利組』吧!! 五星級MoteL嗑葯搖頭轟趴.極盡淫穢~~ 王愷若(Mini)比李宗瑞光碟裡面任何女星還漂亮 http://www.facebook.com/mini.wang1目前使用FB http://www.facebook.com/empressmini舊的Read more

Posted by wolfdogia 7 years ago

The promiscuous wife derailed

Many years ago my business failed, can not stand the debt recovery, had to go to the mainland asylum. Leaving his wife Alice one in Taiwan. She has enough sad, and I know some of the outside of the Yan Shi, more sad. Drinking every day to anesthesia their own anxiety. When her friends Erica for many years to accompany her often, but also crazy to play together. Of course, there have been some things that led to my wife and I almost broke up. Erica is very beautiful, but her husband is a small fry, really a pity. The past two years, I came back two or three months trip. Feel strange wi… Read more

Posted by wolfdogia 7 years ago

In swimming pool

Yesterday evening to swim, no one, and almost all women. I was wearing my yellow swim trunks. This was my favorite swim trunks, because it was just on my back. Sure enough, when I walked into the pool attracted a lot of women's eyes ....! . Probably swim to 9 o'clock! The swimming pool is closing soon! So I went to the outdoor dressing room to prepare for bathing clothes .. no one in the bathroom, so I did not pull the curtain so I opened to wash up. Soon ~ I heard a woman with a c***d's voice .. Hurry up! While no one to help you take a bath now! She took the little boy into… Read more

Posted by wolfdogia 7 years ago 2