TastyTrixie's Stories | xHamster

I'm a REAL Woman Now

Sometime over the past couple of years I FINALLY became ... a REAL woman. You know, how they told me we are: completely able to resist sex. IN CONTROL. Disgusted, even, by people controlled by their grody sex drives. Able to forget that ... I was one of them the whole rest of my life. Nauseated by things other women complained about but that never ever triggered my gag reflex before. So fucking weird. I guess I have more genuine empathy now? Aces are awesome, I've just never felt that kind of absence (though I did fantasize about it sometimes ... the relief). It's been a strange, unfamiliar t… Read more

Posted by TastyTrixie 3 years ago 3

You BETTER Come Home!

We need to shoot more content for my wife Delia's site. We're getting really low on new pictures and videos to post, and I hate getting down to the wire so I suggested she come home this weekend from her studio apartment in the city so we can bang out some homemade porn. She thought it was a good idea, and agreed. It's springtime! I want to take pretty pictures and hot videos of my wife! Then when we talked last night, she said she might not come home after all. That someone wanted in-person time with her there. I wasn't prepared for how much that upset me/my plans; I was thrown off bigly!… Read more

Posted by TastyTrixie 6 years ago 3

WE'RE (not just) MARRIED!

Cross-posted from my blog a couple of months ago; apologies for xhamster hilariously editing out the f@milee word: Delia and I have been together since 2002. We’ve wanted to get/be married for seven or eight of those years. But we also wanted to wait until we had money to have all of our family there, and for Delia to be able to have as much of the bridal experience as she might want. Having that kind of wedding requires 1) money and 2) family to be knowledgeable and supportive enough to… Read more

Posted by TastyTrixie 10 years ago 15

New Foreplay

Last night we started out in a different way than we usually do. Delia was still at her computer, downloading the videos we shot the other day. She wanted to see how the cumshots turned out on a bigger screen than the camcorder’s viewscreen, so I watched over her shoulder. Mmmmm, those yellow bikini panties with the white polka dots with her red dress flipped up and her big cock in the foreground. And her perfect tits quivering while she stroked it. Anyway, I got super excited OF COURSE. So we brushed our teeth and then returned to the computer because I wanted to watch the… Read more

Posted by TastyTrixie 11 years ago 2

I wish

I wish the guys who do figure bukkake vids would 1) spend maybe 30-45 seconds longer than they do on average jerking before the pop, and 2) moan and shit when they're about to come and coming. And say dirty shit to their figures!… Read more

Posted by TastyTrixie 11 years ago 3

Friend Requests

Have you tried to request friendship with me and it wouldn't let you? I'm not entirely sure, but I think it might have been because I hadn't approved any for awhile and it maxed out at 100. I've gone through them now so I hope it's working again. But I think it caps out at 5000, so . . . now's your chance!… Read more

Posted by TastyTrixie 11 years ago 4

New HD Camcorder!!

We just(finally!) bought an HD camcorder - it's a big step up from the ones we've been using, not just because it's HD, but because it handles light and depicts color so much better. Our friend/contractor Lightning Allie is coming over today to shoot Delia and I together using this new camera! I'm really excited . . . hope you are too. We really need a new computer, it seems, though to edit the HD video properly. Delia's laptop can do it, but she needs that for camming so it would be great if we could also afford to get a new video-editing-dedicated machine. Otherwise pumping these video… Read more

Posted by TastyTrixie 11 years ago

LOVE Kristen Stewart Cheating Pics

I only just discovered these pics of her in a too-big white tank top with her (married) director from Snow White of them making out in her tiny car and trying to find a good place to park and grinding against each other, trying to look inconspicuous, her feet in red tennis shoes on top of his. Looking at the pics I can just imagine his cock super-hard pressing through his jeans and her pants trying to get into her, them just wanting to get as close as they can and rub everything against each other. Having had my own car experiences, and even within the past year one that felt like cheating,… Read more

Posted by TastyTrixie 11 years ago

Thanks for the comments!

Just a quick post to say THANK YOU for all of the awesome comments, ratings, and messages. This is honestly one of the NICEST porn communities I've experienced in 12 years of webwhoring! I appreciate it greatly.… Read more

Posted by TastyTrixie 12 years ago