Kinlon's Stories | xHamster


We'd had a pleasant evening. Perhaps a little too much wine. No, we weren't drunk, we'd both had busy days and just needed a little something to take the edge off. We'd both had quite heavy, late lunches, so, dinner wasn't on the cards. I lay on a sofa, occasionally reaching across to the coffee table, helping myself to crackers, bits of cheese and other assorted nibbles. Steve was sat on the floor, enjoying the same feast. He refilled our glasses from the two bottles of Chablis, sat chilling in the ice bucket. We were half watching a film on Netflix, occasionally chatting about some event th… Read more

Posted by mrsrobinsonx 2 years ago 55

She had a heavy wet old fashioned swimsuit on.

Why I like big older women with large saggy breasts. When I was a young girl of just nineteen and very naive, I went swimming with what I thought of then as an old lady, to a pool. She was a friend of my mother's, who couldn't go at the last minute. We had a good swim and then went back to the changing room where we shared a cubicle. I was changing out of my one piece and so was she. I had my back to her and suddenly felt her hands on my wet buttocks, as she said, "You have such a lovely firm body. Mine was like that once, but now I’m rather flabby”. A shock went through me and I felt like I… Read more

Posted by Bettyfingers 6 years ago 28