Elausente's Stories | xHamster

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 24 - Epi

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 24 - Epilogue Some said that break up sex is one of the hardest ways to say goodbye. I can easily affirm that sex without ever loving is doubly painful. I had told Nanci that I could either drop her back home or if she wished, could come to my hotel room and cleaned up before leaving forever. We have gone the whole afternoon and evening talking, long after the guys had left, reaffirming our ideas, dreams and more importantly; our commitments. This was perhaps the only time when all or our fantasies, c… Read more

Posted by elausente 9 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 23

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 23 - "Yeah, sorry, was daydreaming. A coffee would be nice!" - She smiled sadly and crossed her legs. - "Yeah, it appears that you do that a lot! A coffee is coming up!" - He stood up, with a faint smile and she couldn't help but think if he knew what was she was daydreaming. Also, she felt sorry for the first time for this man that had so clearly sacrificed his principles for her... she understood clearly, and too late, that he had meant every word he had ever given her. Her faith in humanity ha… Read more

Posted by elausente 9 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 22

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 22 - "Coffee?" a familiar voice spoke and drawn her out of her daydream. Nanci shook her face and look up at the man, still sitting by her side, on that dirty couch and was patiently waiting for her to continue her story. She shook her head, the room was still dim... how long had she been talking? Past the shock and initial indignation, he had quelled her protest and outright anger when he had reminded her of her unveiled request to him... yes, she had brought this down on herself, pretty much like… Read more

Posted by elausente 9 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 21

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 21 Her husky voice, and controlled demeanor immediately attracted her... they spoke at length while everybody else spent the night gyrating on the dance floor. There she was, a person that didn't asked for anything. Nanci did felt comfortable, there was nothing threatening about the woman. She felt drawn to her tremendously... but struggled to find topics of conversation in order to stay in company of the other woman. - "Nanci, what do you do with your free time, I mean, after school or work?" What doe… Read more

Posted by elausente 9 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 20

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 20 Nanci arrived at her apartment long after the sun had set. The shadows of the early arriving night had already erased the few colors the adorned the old street where the place she called home stood. She felt giddy while waiting for the elevator and wondered about the best attitude she was supposed to adopt to mask her real turmoil. Under no circumstances she was going to show her newly discovered vulnerability. Under no circumstances was her girlfriend learn what she had endured. A new determination f… Read more

Posted by elausente 9 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 19

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 19 Randy was still sitting on the couch, watching a game on TV, when she walked into the living room wrapped in two large towels. He reached to the center table where there was a bowl with something steaming. - "I made you a chicken soup, from a can of course, but it's quite good" - He looked over at Nanci's clean skin and could see several prominent bruises on her wrists, ankles and suspected the ones on her torso wouldn't look much better... - "Sit, have something to eat, I'll go and get you some c… Read more

Posted by elausente 9 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 18

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 18 The sun was way up when he woke up, the first sight was of Nanci, sitting quietly on the bed, her hand still kept captive by the cuff he had used. She was looking at him with an expressionless face... He felt quite uncomfortable at the strange scene. - "Uh, Hi Nanci... " - He tried to smile, a gesture he wasn't too comfortably with either. - "How are you feeling?" He stood up and sat by the end of the bed. -"I am very thirsty" - Her voice sounded hoarse, yet very low... She was still looking… Read more

Posted by elausente 9 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 17

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 17 It took a little less than an hour for the group to get their belongings gathered up and stored in the vans. I a few minutes Randy stood by the porch of the house. He waved and that was the last view their visitors had of the farm as the two vans made their way on the twisting narrow road that ultimately led to the highway and the city. He headed back inside when he heard the women inside calling his name. He headed to the back bedroom, the one closer to the main washroom.... the women… Read more

Posted by elausente 9 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 16

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 16 It wasn't long when Nanci woke up and realized what was about to happen to her. This time Nanci begged them not to do this terrible thing to her. She offered them anything if they just wouldn't burn her this way. Jen loved to hear the girl beg and plead as her eyes stared at the irons that were now turning a bright shade of orange from the flames. Jen, who seemed to have taken over as the group's leader, was the first to withdraw an iron from the blaze. She had carefully wrapped a thick piece of bur… Read more

Posted by elausente 9 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 15

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 15 Randy and Bill were the first to check on Nanci the next morning. Just before the first break in darkness the two of them tramped onto the porch where the trembling woman stood, still moving from one leg to the other to prevent the cramping from getting worse. Randy slapped her butt and inquired if she had enjoyed her little stay communing with nature. -"I like that little jig she's doing," - Observed Bill as the girl continued to hop from one foot to the other. -"Let's get her inside and tear… Read more

Posted by elausente 10 years ago 2

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 14

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 14 They string her up by her neck to one of the rafters on the front porch in such a way that she would have to stand and keep awake or risk strangling herself. To make sure she wouldn't disturb anybody by yelling for help or some such nonsense, she was gagged as well as having her hands and feet tightly tied with some heavy scratchy rope. To make her even more uncomfortable Jen brought a large metal pale and doused her with cold water before they left her for the night. It was a fairly warm night, but… Read more

Posted by elausente 10 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 13

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 13 The vehicles pulled into the farm and discharged their passengers. Waiting for them already were the others and some people Nanci had never seen. One of them introduced himself to Randy simply as George, a kennel master, and good friend of Brad, who had volunteered his services as well as a pack of his larges hounds to assist in Nanci's "readjustment". He said that he and his a****ls would be staying the weekend. It was his intention to get some footage of the girl interacting with the pack. Everyone… Read more

Posted by elausente 10 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report- Chapter 12 (Form

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 5 Part 6 (Now chapter 12) Exhausted, the group wondered what to do with Nanci; they discussed where she would be kept for the night. Randy came up with the best idea, suggesting to take her to his farm, which was really a small house on north edge of town, quite isolated. - "I'm calling the others... they'll be quite excited in joining the party" - He smiled at his own cleverness. Betty's face lighted up -"Oh yeah, Jen will be happy to join us... I'm pretty sure Jim wouldn't mind either... uh, when… Read more

Posted by elausente 10 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report - Chapter 3

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 3 I felt sorry for her... I wasn't expecting to hear her cry… I was expecting another reaction. I thought for a moment that perhaps all her taunting and bravado shown on line was just that? Words... ? Could I have been wrong all along? Have her persona been developed completely outside her reality? Was Nanci so different from what she had built on her multiple web profiles? She didn't resemble at all the willing and adventurous girl of a decade ago. I had to know... But, she had been so credible, so in… Read more

Posted by elausente 10 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report; Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Randy felt flustered at the wasted opportunity of luring Nanci to his place again… Seldom could she be found alone… - “Social butterfly?… cock teaser bitch !!” – He thought. He had just left her at the exit of the building and stupidly he had ask her if she needed a ride home… She had said that was going to pick food at that disgusting Kabob place, then head over to the bank… -” Yeah right… If you would let me in, there will be no need for cheap food; for a blowjob I would even take you for a decent meal… “ - he thought with derision. Regretting leaving the pick up by th… Read more

Posted by elausente 10 years ago

THE UNINVITED - The Nanci Report; Chapter 1

The Uninvited The Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 1 She dared me to dream, and I did… What started as an innocent game, turned into a dangerous soul searching proposition. I discovered Nanci while trying to discover lost souls like mine. A refuge from a disintegrating loveless decade long marriage, the grind of managing a stressful and often unrewarding job and a emptiness which crept up from decades of bitter resignation and bitter disappointment. The absence of a north found its south in the rediscovery of the darkness which permeates every life.… Read more

Posted by elausente 10 years ago 2

Butterfly Vibrator... and a story

Butterfly Vibrator... and a story There is another story to tell here; like all men; I love to always hold the remote control, this is no exception… I own this particular toy called butterfly, not sure why, maybe because the shape of the pink portion. Or maybe because of when is running, it can truly make you fly. Well, I like to make my lady wear it if we go to public places; dinner, movies, etc. Usually under my favorite satin panties (hey I need a bit of stimulation too)… there are a few tricks that I learned to make it really work; just got to make sure there is enough hard lubrica… Read more

Posted by elausente 10 years ago