QRD #41: Interview with guitarist Anna-Lynne Williams of Lotte Kestner & Trespassers William QRD - Current Issue�� About QRD�� QRD Archives
QRD #41 - Guitarist Interview Series Part I - June 2010
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Guitarist Interview with Anna-Lynne Williams of Lotte Kestner
June 2010

Name: Anna-Lynne Williams
Bands: Lotte Kestner, Trespassers William
Websites: www.lieinthesound.fr, www.trespasserswilliam.com
Listen to "Fainting Spells"

QRD What was your first guitar & what happened to it?

Anna-Lynne My parents bought me a cheap classical guitar when I was in high school. I actually donated it to a garage sale raising money after Hurricane Katrina. Otherwise I probably wouldve kept it around for posterity.

QRD Whats your typical set-up from guitar to effects to amplifier?

Anna-Lynne I use all my guitar pedals on my voice & the guitar stays clean. Sometimes Ill use the trem or overdrive on a Vox amp if Im playing electric guitar.

QRD Whats the most important part of your rig guitar, amplifier, or effects?

Anna-Lynne Acoustic guitar.

QRD Whats your main amplifier & why?

Anna-Lynne I need to get a new one... right now I have a buzzy little Vox amp.

QRD Whats your main guitar & what are the features that make it such?

Anna-Lynne Rosewood Martin acoustic with a concert sized body. I just had an antique Gibson pick-up installed... it sounds great.

QRD If you had a signature guitar, what would it look like & what would some of its features be?

Anna-Lynne A hollow body. Not too big. Warm sound, dark stain.

QRD If you had a signature pedal, what would it be & what would some of its features be?

Anna-Lynne Reverse delay.

QRD How many guitars do you own?

Anna-Lynne Three.

QRD How & where do you store your guitars?

Anna-Lynne One in the bedroom, two in the attic/studio.

QRD What features do you look for when buying a guitar?

Anna-Lynne If it sounds different from my other guitars, if it feels good in my hands, if its not too bright sounding or too clunky.

QRD How much do you think a good guitar should cost?

Anna-Lynne Between $1000 & $2000.

QRD Do you upgrade & customize your guitars or just stick with what you get?

Anna-Lynne so long as its set up well I leave them alone. Except for that new pick-up I havent done anything else to my guitars.

QRD How thoroughly do you research or test a piece of equipment before buying it?

Anna-Lynne I usually buy things on a whim when Im in a beautiful mood & I try something & it seems right. No research.

QRD Do you change your rig around often?

Anna-Lynne Ill add a new pedal maybe once a year.

QRD Are you after one particular guitar tone & locking into it, or do you like to change your tone around a lot?

Anna-Lynne I like having a standard acoustic & a hollow body around to choose from.

QRD What are some guitars, amps, & pedals you particularly lust after?

Anna-Lynne Santa Cruz acoustics sound amazing. I cant afford them. & Id like to buy some Electro Harmonix pedals; I dont have any at the moment.

QRD What have been the best & worst guitar related purchases youve made?

Anna-Lynne I shouldnt have bought a guitar on Ebay, but it was pretty. It didnt record well & it smelled weirdly musty & I ended up re-selling it.

QRD What are some effect, amp, & guitar brands you particularly like or dis-like & why?

Anna-Lynne I cant get away from Martins. & Boss pedals. I like Fender amps.

QRD Whats the first thing you play when you pick up a guitar?

Anna-Lynne Something of mine.

QRD How old were you when you started playing guitar?

Anna-Lynne Maybe 16?

QRD At what age do you think you leveled up to your best guitar playing?

Anna-Lynne Around 29 I recorded my first solo album & that made me better with timing & got me playing without a pick.

QRD Why do you think a guitar fits you more so than other instruments?

Anna-Lynne Its portable, & you can take it to bed.

QRD Do you think guitar should be peoples first instrument as often as it is?

Anna-Lynne Guitar or piano.

QRD Do you see your guitar as your ally or adversary in making music?

Anna-Lynne So long as it stays in tune, its my ally.

QRD Who are the guitarists that most influenced your playing & sound?

Anna-Lynne I dont play properly, so I doubt I sound like my favorites. I like Sam Beams guitar playing.

QRD Do you think people anthropomorphizing their guitars is natural or silly?

Anna-Lynne Mmm.... silly.

QRD Whats the most physical damage youve done to a guitar & how did you do it?

Anna-Lynne One of my Martins tipped off its stand onto my hardwood floor & the binding split. I took it straight to the doctor.

QRD What do you do to practice other than simply playing?

Anna-Lynne Nothing besides straight up playing.

QRD How many hours a week do you play guitar & how many hours would you like to?

Anna-Lynne 10 hours a week maybe, if Im not in the studio or on tour.

QRD What type of pick do you use & why?

Anna-Lynne Medium or none.

QRD What gauge strings do you use & why?

Anna-Lynne I never change my strings. I dont even know their gauge. I like dull strings.

QRD How often do you change strings?

Anna-Lynne Only if Im installing a pick-up or a battery or something.

QRD How often do you break strings?

Anna-Lynne Hasnt happened yet.

QRD Which do you feel is more proficient, your strumming hand or fretting hand & how does that effect your style?

Anna-Lynne Fretting. I think I was meant to be left handed.

QRD Do you set-up your guitar yourself or send it to a guitar tech (or not set it up at all) & why?

Anna-Lynne Ive only had one guitar set up, this girl down the road from me is really good.

QRD What tunings do you use & why?

Anna-Lynne Just standard.

QRD Do you prefer tablature, sheet music, or some other notation system for writing down your own ideas?

Anna-Lynne I have my own bizarre system, which includes me drawing the fret board as well as writing a series of paired numbers.

QRD How high do you hold your guitar when playing (strap length)?

Anna-Lynne I play with my acoustic flat in my lap.

QRD Whats a bad habit in your playing you wish you could break?

Anna-Lynne I make too much fretboard noise. But I kind of like that on recordings.

QRD Playing what other instrument do you think can most help someones guitar playing?

Anna-Lynne I played piano first & that helped me.

QRD Whats a type of guitar playing you wish you could do that you cant?

Anna-Lynne I cant use a slide with the way I play. That would be nice.

QRD Whats a guitar goal youve never accomplished?

Anna-Lynne There are a few chords that kill my hand so I avoid them

QRD Did you ever take guitar lessons & if so, what did you learn from them?

Anna-Lynne No, & you can tell.

QRD Whats something someone would have to do to emulate your style?

Anna-Lynne Play the guitar flat with their fretting hand over the neck instead of under.

QRD Whats your take on tremolo systems?

Anna-Lynne Tremolo is pretty.

QRD What do you see as the difference between lead guitar & rhythm guitar players?

Anna-Lynne Creativity.

QRD If a band has good guitar work, can you ignore the rest of the band not being good?

Anna-Lynne No!

QRD What famous musicians guitar would you like to own & why?

Anna-Lynne Nick Drakes dark mahogany Guild.