Top Reasons You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer After an Accident

Top Reasons You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer After an Accident

A personal injury attorney can maximize a client’s case value by identifying and collecting relevant evidence, calculating damages, negotiating with insurance companies, conducting a thorough investigation, and preparing for trial. Insurance providers are wary of victims represented by an attorney and will often offer a higher settlement amount.

A lawyer can also help a victim avoid giving one-sided or misleading statements to an insurance adjuster. This could save a claimant tens of thousands of dollars.

You’re Injured

Severe injuries leave victims with extensive medical bills, ongoing care, and lost income. They require an experienced lawyer to ensure they are compensated for all of their losses and damages.

An offshore injury lawyer will provide a thorough liability analysis, reviewing applicable statutes, case law, and legal precedent. They will also review the accident facts and interview witnesses to determine who is liable for your accident.

They will also calculate your future medical expenses, past and anticipated losses due to reduced earning capacity, and other damages such as pain, suffering, and emotional trauma. They will submit a packet of medical bills, reports, income loss documentation, and a liability analysis to the appropriate liability insurance carrier with a settlement demand. They may request physical evidence, such as the vehicle or product, to store or have submitted for non-destructive testing.

You’re Not Getting Enough

Whether or not you are hurt in a car accident can be worrisome. In the worst instance, your injuries might have prevented you from working or left you with significant medical debt. In addition, you could have to deal with lost enjoyment of life or property damage.

Insurance companies often try to convince injury accident victims that their claims are worth less than they are. A lawyer can intervene and help level the playing field with effective negotiations.

You should continue to see your doctor for any treatment you need, as doing otherwise could hurt the value of your claim. It’s also important to document any progress you’re making with your recovery. This can support your claim if an insurance company questions your condition.

You’re Not Getting the Settlement You Need

Injured accident victims often face financial hardship after an accident. If you struggle to pay your bills due to injuries, consult a personal injury lawyer. Your attorney can suggest avenues of support and help you file a claim for the damages you are entitled to.

A lawyer can negotiate a fair counteroffer if the at-fault party’s insurance company offers a low settlement. They will also consider all your medical expenses, including future medical costs.

They will also prepare interrogatories and request depositions to ask the other parties questions under oath. This will provide them with the proof they need to demonstrate that they have a severe injury. Additionally, they will be ready to take your case to trial if required.

You’re Not Getting the Medical Attention You Need

If you wait too long to see a medical professional after an accident, insurance providers may use your delay against you. They will argue that your injuries are not as severe as you claim or are caused by something else.

A doctor can document your injury and treatment, allowing you to seek the compensation you deserve. Your doctor can also provide you with a demand letter for compensation, which will be sent to the at-fault party or their insurance company.

A personal injury lawyer deeply understands the laws that apply to your case. They can explain which laws are relevant, cite legal precedent and give you advice on how best to proceed. This can save you a lot of time and stress.

You’re Not Getting the Time You Need

The immediate aftermath of an accident is a chaotic time. There are so many things to take care of medical treatment, figuring out how to pay for car repairs or other expenses, getting enough time off work to heal, and more.

Insurance companies know this and use it to their advantage — they will often make it seem like you are not taking the case seriously or that your injuries are less severe than they are. A skilled personal injury lawyer can help you build a solid case to get you the compensation you deserve. Most attorneys will work on a contingency basis, meaning they don’t get paid unless they win or settle your case. This can help make it more affordable to hire a lawyer.


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