#anon – @paperbaghero on Tumblr

"What name would you like?" ~Andre Aikens

@paperbaghero / paperbaghero.tumblr.com

~icon made by @delshark| You can call me Vanessa or Paper | She/Her | African American | Age: 29 (Jan. 22) | Houston, Tx | A safe space for any questions, stories, and or AUs! Please don't hesitate to ask or submit me something
Anonymous asked:

Boop boop :3

I can still hear her voice... 😔

Anonymous asked:


For Eu look up:

Voices in Europe for peace

For Usa look up:

US campaign for Palestinian rights


FOA (Friends of Al-Aqsa) have organized a boycott in support of palestine. Here are the key companies to boycott:

HP (Hewlett Packard)


Israeli produce

We will be ending our call to boycott PUMA once the contract with IFA officially dissolves in 2024. Until then, we encourage you to continue boycotting PUMA products.

(Please help to spread the word by sending this copypasta to as many blogs as you can and/or going to FOAs website where you can find posters to download and print out


Anonymous asked:

Hewwo!! How have you been lately?

I've been doing good, thank you for asking!!

Anonymous asked:

I've been good but busy with graduating collage how have you been? - Tiny fluff anon

I've been very very busy with work and school as well...

But congrats on the graduating college!!

Anonymous asked:

What are your surefire favorite means of monster transformation

Slower over time stuff that takes days, maybe weeks, that isn’t initially noticed? Rapid changes a la classic werewolf that may or may not hurt? Heck, one of my favs is people “exploding” into a monster, those that are so good at changing shape that their features “explode” into place in a finger snap’s timeframe 🙌🏽

Side question with this one if that’s fine: favorite monster features. I like slithery things with short fuzzy pelts with glamorous coat sheen. Mixing mammals and reptiles is always a treat

OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!! This is a good one!!!

It's a bit of both when it comes to transformation. More of a sorta medium change, I guess.

So that way it isn't too fast, but not too slow either.

I mean, I love the fast and slow ones [maybe with the waiting for a week thing], but medium processes are my all time favorite.

As for type of monster features, I really love the big hulking type with an under bite, and don't forget about the teef!! Those make for the most interesting transformation.

I also love the ones when there's still some human features, but it still looks gnarly!!

But yeah, I love it when people talk about their favorite type monsters. I can totally see how you appreciate those type of form. It's pretty interesting!!

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