@feodor-dostoevsky on Tumblr


@feodor-dostoevsky / feodor-dostoevsky.tumblr.com

gifmaker | #winterswake

Why do people need subtitles to watch a show in English? I don't get it. What is wrong with the ears of young people?


ooh this angers me so much. so let's make a poll of it.

edit for clarification: the Deaf/HoH option includes any hearing impairment and d/Deaf people ^^


if you spent less energy on blocking people who did you no harm you would have been okay


i block people for many reasons, one of them just being annoying. and i see absolutely no problem with that. internet is a vast space, which mean even more annoying stuff and people. i have a very stressfull life, here is my little safe space, and if i have tools to hide and block any kind of annoyance, you bet i'll do it

i didn't argue with anyone, i didn't bully anyone, i didn't harass anyone. i simply silently blocked. if that bothers you, it's your problem not mine

i feel like just because i happen to make a lot of gifs on this site for more than a decade consistently and made tons of gifs, and i made them from variety of fandoms, some people mistake me for some fandom blog. it's not. it's my PERSONAL page, diary if you want. i make those gifs (and always did) first and foremost for myself. if other people like it - great, but i don't make them for them or to be popular here or for notes or for something like that. and btw i do it for free and just share it here. but that doesn't mean i OWE you or any other person here anything

"who did you no harm" i didn't do them any harm either, i just blocked them without any argument even. or you think you or them somehow entitled to see and reblog my gifs??? like i'm some fucking faceless and emotionless, opinionless machine that just makes gifs for yall?!

edited: realized that "if you spent less energy on blocking people" comment was about my recent text post about my depression. well fuck you then


@wifeofthewolves fucking boo-hoo, you literally have ZERO knowledge about person's life, and somehow you feel entitled to tell them they are struggling because they're wasting their energy ON BLOCKING PEOPLE ON A SITE? who the fuck do you think you are??? you compare a person's depression with some fucking childish bullshit??? fucking shame on you

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