@fangymutt on Tumblr

🔪Promise I'll be right back💀

@fangymutt / fangymutt.tumblr.com

🩸 29 🩸
🩸 TR34T M3 LI3K UR P3T XwX 🩸


Hiya~ call me Laura or Bailey! I'm a 29 year old doggirl on the internet. I use It-Puppy pronouns.

THIS ACCOUNT IS 18+ (But it's my main account) I have an amazing wife and it can be found over at @vonkarn (Do NOT mix us up its annoying and its really easy to tell us apart)

I post a lot, I tag very rarely (I do talk a lot in tags though so its still worth looking) I love asks feel free to send them any time :3!! I also smoke weed as I have a medical card so I do post while high often and love to talk about it so if you cant handle that you probably shouldn't be here.

If you like my posts and wanna help me make ends meet in a tough job market my consider sending me a kofi 'w`: https://ko-fi.com/fangypeach


#little woo's - General Text post tag #I dont have an ask tag - Its my ask tag. It is what it is. #beast blast - Selfie tag! #Bailey Bites - Cooking tag! I love cooking I just haven't had time lately

I also use tags for all my fursonas/oc's! #sona:{Insert sona name} - Is my general sona tagging method. I have several so use search! #oc:{oc name} - same deal just for non fursona characters!


shadow the hedgehog jacket

i started it in october 2023 and finished it in may 2024

faux leather costume jacket, fur fabric, paint and thread, metal spikes and skulls


Help a struggling unemployed job searching transgirl make rent

Hi I know my donation posts have made rounds and been seen and its probably exhausting. I am at the end of my rope. My partner and I are struggling to gain any work, I have been applying nonstop, I have looked into and have begun the steps to go to the local college not for degrees but certificates and job training to try and help me get a job. I have lived on indeed since losing my job unexpectedly in January of this year. Last year saw us being thrown into turmoil as my partners father passed and we lost the only support system we had. I am physically limited from certain jobs (I have had 2 back injuries and knee problems so warehousing is no longer an option for me and thats the majority of work for my area) I'm asking for support only as long as I remain unemployed, I send upwards of 10-15 applications a day at this point and most are ghosted. I havent given up trying but its incredibly hard (I am not saying im trans im not even getting to interviews im closeting myself and deadnaming its not enough)

Rent is $1080, I have raised $105 as of 5/24/2024, I need Rent by June 3rd, 2024 at the latest. Anything helps and shares mean a ton. Thank you for reading and for any and all help <3

$430/1080 5-27-2-24

we didnt want to touch this money strictly wanting to use it for rent but we were desperately low on food and critical essentials and toiletries and needed to go to the store, the high cost of things everywhere but especially so in my heavily price gouged area meant we spend about $200 of the $430 for rent please we are trying, i turn in forms to volunteer at the library tomorrow after my background check came in and im looking to apply to the postal service if all goes well so please help us keep our place we are so close to getting on our feet and thank you for keeping us going ;w; <3

i have 3 days left to make rent please anything helps!


Help a struggling unemployed job searching transgirl make rent

Hi I know my donation posts have made rounds and been seen and its probably exhausting. I am at the end of my rope. My partner and I are struggling to gain any work, I have been applying nonstop, I have looked into and have begun the steps to go to the local college not for degrees but certificates and job training to try and help me get a job. I have lived on indeed since losing my job unexpectedly in January of this year. Last year saw us being thrown into turmoil as my partners father passed and we lost the only support system we had. I am physically limited from certain jobs (I have had 2 back injuries and knee problems so warehousing is no longer an option for me and thats the majority of work for my area) I'm asking for support only as long as I remain unemployed, I send upwards of 10-15 applications a day at this point and most are ghosted. I havent given up trying but its incredibly hard (I am not saying im trans im not even getting to interviews im closeting myself and deadnaming its not enough)

Rent is $1080, I have raised $105 as of 5/24/2024, I need Rent by June 3rd, 2024 at the latest. Anything helps and shares mean a ton. Thank you for reading and for any and all help <3

$430/1080 5-27-2-24

we didnt want to touch this money strictly wanting to use it for rent but we were desperately low on food and critical essentials and toiletries and needed to go to the store, the high cost of things everywhere but especially so in my heavily price gouged area meant we spend about $200 of the $430 for rent please we are trying, i turn in forms to volunteer at the library tomorrow after my background check came in and im looking to apply to the postal service if all goes well so please help us keep our place we are so close to getting on our feet and thank you for keeping us going ;w; <3

i have 3 days left to make rent please anything helps!


i’m obsessed with the mum from ponyo. driving single lane on a cliff edge? drift those turns in your nissan cube. husband has to work an extra shift? tell him to fuck off in morse code. pet fish turned into a child on your driveway? adopt her. town drowned in a tsunami? leave your 5 year old in charge, he’s the man of the house now

ideal woman to me and i am not kidding



I don’t think the club could handle her


do you know how embarrassing it is to be poor and have a crush on a straight girl . i am living a nightmare

she’s also my childhood friend. i think that makes it worse . i’m also leaving the state next month


help me afford groceries and rides to work

hi, i know i’ve made dono posts before and i’m sorry to ask for money once again. my older sister financially abuses me heavily, often making me pay for entire bills on my own when she has two teenage children in the house. she forces me to split bills 50/50, when i get paid pretty much half the amount she does. i got a raise recently, but she forced me to foot an entire 100 bill, so my funds were depleted entirely.

i am on food stamps, but it’s never enough because her children eat my groceries often .

i am in the process of getting ready to move in with a friend in a different state. but until then, i need to get to my job and afford groceries and get supplies to keep my dog safe . ( i need to get her a muzzle, a collar, and a new leash. ) i only have her because my dad passed away and left me her.

i am so sorry to ask for so much, but it’s only because i’m trying not to make multiple posts about this because i am extremely embarrassed.

$0 / $400

$45 / $400 5/29/24

i hate to beg and be pushy, but i am very desperate . i really need the money to be able to afford going to work and i have next to no groceries for me or my nephews.

i finally have a moving date, so i just need a little help until next month . i’m so sorry

$65 / $400

$90 / $400

please rb if you can, i need money to get to work the next four days


Help a struggling unemployed job searching transgirl make rent

Hi I know my donation posts have made rounds and been seen and its probably exhausting. I am at the end of my rope. My partner and I are struggling to gain any work, I have been applying nonstop, I have looked into and have begun the steps to go to the local college not for degrees but certificates and job training to try and help me get a job. I have lived on indeed since losing my job unexpectedly in January of this year. Last year saw us being thrown into turmoil as my partners father passed and we lost the only support system we had. I am physically limited from certain jobs (I have had 2 back injuries and knee problems so warehousing is no longer an option for me and thats the majority of work for my area) I'm asking for support only as long as I remain unemployed, I send upwards of 10-15 applications a day at this point and most are ghosted. I havent given up trying but its incredibly hard (I am not saying im trans im not even getting to interviews im closeting myself and deadnaming its not enough)

Rent is $1080, I have raised $105 as of 5/24/2024, I need Rent by June 3rd, 2024 at the latest. Anything helps and shares mean a ton. Thank you for reading and for any and all help <3

$430/1080 5-27-2-24

we didnt want to touch this money strictly wanting to use it for rent but we were desperately low on food and critical essentials and toiletries and needed to go to the store, the high cost of things everywhere but especially so in my heavily price gouged area meant we spend about $200 of the $430 for rent please we are trying, i turn in forms to volunteer at the library tomorrow after my background check came in and im looking to apply to the postal service if all goes well so please help us keep our place we are so close to getting on our feet and thank you for keeping us going ;w; <3


The thing I hate most about transhumanism discourse are the appeals to "humanity". Like, "are you less human if you have cybernetics?" and "does it affect your humanity if you change your genes?"

And I just.. Look man, I'm trans, disabled, and autistic. Half the world already barely considers me human, on a good day.

So I don't think it makes sense to get mad at me for wanting fangs and a gender you can pick up on a Geiger counter.

You're yelling about this being a slippery slope, and meanwhile you pushed me down it. You can't justify annoyance at me deciding to go "weeee" all the way down.


help me afford groceries and rides to work

hi, i know i’ve made dono posts before and i’m sorry to ask for money once again. my older sister financially abuses me heavily, often making me pay for entire bills on my own when she has two teenage children in the house. she forces me to split bills 50/50, when i get paid pretty much half the amount she does. i got a raise recently, but she forced me to foot an entire 100 bill, so my funds were depleted entirely.

i am on food stamps, but it’s never enough because her children eat my groceries often .

i am in the process of getting ready to move in with a friend in a different state. but until then, i need to get to my job and afford groceries and get supplies to keep my dog safe . ( i need to get her a muzzle, a collar, and a new leash. ) i only have her because my dad passed away and left me her.

i am so sorry to ask for so much, but it’s only because i’m trying not to make multiple posts about this because i am extremely embarrassed.

$0 / $400

$45 / $400 5/29/24

i hate to beg and be pushy, but i am very desperate . i really need the money to be able to afford going to work and i have next to no groceries for me or my nephews.

i finally have a moving date, so i just need a little help until next month . i’m so sorry

$65 / $400


fellatio is such an awesome word. sounds like a pasta. but be careful! wouldnt want to order that at a restaurant ... lest some nasty little creature get ahold of that thang


Glasses belonging to the Mormon preacher Hyrum Smith, 1844

haters will see me in my Hyrums and say they fake


ten years ago you were so scared of such different things, but you survived them anyway. the same goes for five years ago and two years ago. everything that has ever felt like a hurdle, you’ve passed through. so be afraid, identify your fears, and then allow yourself to remember that in just a little while, this will be another thing that you have overcome.

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