@ayeforscotland on Tumblr

Yours for Scotland

@ayeforscotland / ayeforscotland.tumblr.com

Scottish. I support Scottish independence. Co-host of the AyeSphere interactive podcast. He/Him.

Welcome Shaggers!

Hello, I'm AyeforScotland and I'm updating my pinned post because I was getting far too many asks about availability of feet pics.

I'm pro-Scottish independence, post a lot about politics, I work in Games and Tech as a freelancer, and I am, arguably, a Content Creator.

I stream on Twitch, create Let's Plays on YouTube and also make the occasional TikTok video. I also form half of the @theayesphere which I host alongside the wonderful @thebibliosphere.

You can check out all my other social links here. It also has a list of my referral links.

I'm particularly proud of the community I've built here and on Discord, you are more than welcome to join provided you're not a dickhead.

If you like what I do and want to support me a little more then you can donate via Ko-Fi. I am also available to commission for beta-reading of your Scottish characters, I also do voice work for podfics and for other projects.

Here's a little bit about the fundraising we've done for charity as well as some community feedback, which I get embarrassed about.

Much love, Aye

Anonymous asked:

Ehhh taylor swift was the 77th celeb with the most jet mileage, not the first lol. Also they made a big deal about her coming here because of the insane boost she brought to Edinburgh’s economy, just saying…

Oh well so long as she's the 77th, my bad.

Also 'boost to Edinburgh's economy' lol lol lol, can't wait for Edinburgh residents to see absolutely none of that.


Edinburgh famously needs a boost to its economy in the summer nothing happening in the city,

Anonymous asked:

Ehhh taylor swift was the 77th celeb with the most jet mileage, not the first lol. Also they made a big deal about her coming here because of the insane boost she brought to Edinburgh’s economy, just saying…

Oh well so long as she's the 77th, my bad.

Also 'boost to Edinburgh's economy' lol lol lol, can't wait for Edinburgh residents to see absolutely none of that.


Rewatched the Dragon Age: The Veilguard trailer, and I cannot for the life of me understand why they went with that.

Looks like the trailer you’d see for Borderlands or some generic hero shooter. Stylisation and tone was just wildly off.


I was not expecting much, tbh, but hooooolyy hell I never saw this one coming.

The damage control marketing is doing right now is insane, btw.

Yeah, I’ll wait for actual gameplay for what the graphics will look like but the actual tone of the trailer seemed a world away from the RPG side of things.

Me loading up YouTube, thinking it really can't be that bad--


I don't mind the art style, but the fact it is so similar to live service/ gacha game is off putting.

What really gets me is the tone. This seems like a trailer for a marvel movie or suicide squad. Not a beloved dark fantasy RPG.

Bioware has been a shell of itself though since EA bought it. This just screams of executives forcing specific themes for "general" appeal.

Probably being a nitpicky bastard, but I’ve not seen many RPGs do a trailer introducing every companion.

Like half the mystique of RPGs is not knowing who’ll become core companions whereas this is a cast list with their specific team role told to you.


Steam Next Fest

Looking forward to diving into Steam Next Fest demos. Here's two games I'm involved with.

Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus

Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus is an Action Platformer Metroidvania inspired by Japanese folklore. I'm biased but this is going to be huge, it's an excellent game with amazing art and characters. It gently eases in genre newcomers and veterans of Hollow Knight and Ori will find themselves right at home.

I'm the Marketing & Community Manager for Squid Shock Studio, the games developer.

Farewell North

Farewell North is a story-driven exploration game where you play as a border collie on an adventure with your human. You'll be restoring colour to the Scottish islands you explore!

I did some voice acting in this game, although I don't think it'll be in the demo.


Very smart move from Lib Dems which actually open them up as a voting option in England.

Not going to lie, genuinely impressed by the LibDems manifesto. Not sure if I trust them to deliver all of it, but they've definitely opened up the playing field down south.

Some highlights:

  • Put a dedicated, qualified mental health professional in every primary and secondary school, making sure all children and parents have someone they can turn to for help, funded by increasing the Digital Services Tax on social media firms and other tech giants.
  • Strengthen democratic rights and participation by scrapping the Conservatives’ voter ID scheme and giving 16- and 17-year-olds the right to vote.
  • Extend free school meals to all children in poverty, with an ambition to extend them to all primary school children when the public finances allow.
  • Ban all forms of conversion therapies and practices.
  • Scrap the Conservatives’ draconian anti-protest laws, restoring pre-existing protections for both peaceful assembly and public safety, and immediately halt the use of live facial recognition surveillance by the police and private companies.

These are strong policies that Labour will have to address.

Of course, they do oppose Scottish independence, which is their right. But they've made the mistake of also saying they oppose a referendum which makes all their 'we support democracy' schtick fall flat.


Keir Starmer says “Read my lips: I will cut immigration.”

Let me be absolutely clear here, cutting immigration is the wrong thing to do. It is fuelled by racism, and dressed up in economic language to pretend otherwise.

The UK has an aging population and declining birth rate. If we struggle to attract foreign workers, this will impact our economy and public services. A good example of this is the NHS.

‘Bad bosses’ are not hiring internationally before they’ve exhausted every option here. It’s easy to think of a large corporate doing that but even then it’s more likely they’d outsource a whole department in its entirety to another foreign company.

Also your dad’s marketing start-up or your mum’s construction company is not going through the lengthy process of hiring people who don’t already live here.

This also contradicts the UK’s push to have as many foreign students (paying as many tuition fees) as possible. These students have lives here, and should be able to work as they choose post-graduation.

This policy is aimed at those who read the word ‘immigration’ and pop a blood vessel, and it speaks wonders to how Labour thinks about the economy - no different than the Conservative Party.


I cannot stress enough that this is unspeakable rhetoric (that won't take us anywhere because we badly need immigration) but it's also what we get when nobody left-leaning votes anymore. Starmer is awful, but voting is harm reduction, and Labour are the ever-so-slightly-less-fascist party on a number of issues.

Make Labour want to win your vote again - the only way you can do that is if your vote counts for something, and the only way to do that is to be the person who consistently votes for one of the top two contenders in your constituency. Hopefully not the Tories, because they passed fascist a long time ago and more people are going to die if we don't get them out, particularly asylum seekers, trans people and disabled people.

I don't want Starmer as my PM but it *will* lift the boot off the neck of many marginalised people and awful as Labour are right now, they are not in the same league of evil as the Tories.

Very curious to hear what policies Labour have announced that have indicated they’d make life easier for marginalised people?

Labour threaten immigrants with this rhetoric, they’ve attacked ‘work-shy’ disabled people, they dropped their commitments on Palestine, they frequently engage in anti-trans and therefore anti-LGBT rhetoric, and they’ve just deselected an array of left-wing candidates made up mostly of people of colour.

Also left-leaning people never stopped voting, I don’t know where you’re getting that from.

Anonymous asked:

lib dems look very attractive today.... but remember they fucked us over joining with tories a decade ago

They wouldn’t be my first choice but I’ve not seen them lean into the same rhetoric around immigration that Labour has.


Rewatched the Dragon Age: The Veilguard trailer, and I cannot for the life of me understand why they went with that.

Looks like the trailer you’d see for Borderlands or some generic hero shooter. Stylisation and tone was just wildly off.


I was not expecting much, tbh, but hooooolyy hell I never saw this one coming.

The damage control marketing is doing right now is insane, btw.

Yeah, I’ll wait for actual gameplay for what the graphics will look like but the actual tone of the trailer seemed a world away from the RPG side of things.


Rewatched the Dragon Age: The Veilguard trailer, and I cannot for the life of me understand why they went with that.

Looks like the trailer you’d see for Borderlands or some generic hero shooter. Stylisation and tone was just wildly off.


Douglas Ross resigns as Scottish Tory leader.

On a scale of David Cameron to Margaret thatcher how bad is he

Guy was collecting an MSP and an MPs salary (both full-time jobs in their own right) while also cashing in a football assistant referees salary.

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