Campaigns with Twitch influencers | SocialPubli

Campaigns with Twitch influencers

Create advertising campaigns with the best streamers for your brand

At SocialPubli we also run Influencer Marketing campaigns on Twitch to take advantage of its real-time and highly immersive nature. This platform focuses on the live streaming of video game, entertainment and creative content, attracting a highly engaged and targeted audience.

Twitch streamers are known for live interaction with viewers, creating a deeper, more authentic connection. Their ability to influence purchasing decisions and generate conversations in real time distinguishes Twitch influencers from others on more traditional social networks.

Although the general idea is that gaming content is the only topic on Twitch, there are actually streamers specializing in many different niches.

How to create Twitch campaigns in SocialPubli

Sign up in SocialPubli as a advertiser

On your profile, you can add the funds that you want to assign to your marketing campaign with Twitch influencers.

Additionally, you can choose whether to pay by credit card, bank transfer or PayPal..

Customize all your Twitch campaign

Next, click on the Create Campaign button on the main page, and then choose the Twitch platform.

For these campaigns, we personalize your commercial action and adapt it to your business, always under your supervision and your last word.

Also, if you have questions about the strategies for your Twitch campaign, don't worry. One of our agents will meet with you, explain how to plan it and help you throughout the creation, management and completion process.

We will make your idea a reality thanks to our creative team

We adapt your briefing to the characteristics of the live platform and the streamers who use this medium to connect with their audience.

Examples of successful ideas for a Twitch campaign:

Compete between influencers where the main character is the product.

Actions in multiple platforms where Twitch is the main focus, but other social networks are added.

We look for the best Streamers for your brand

We will choose the Twitch influencers that best fit your business objectives. In addition, we will contact them and tell them the idea so that they can carry it out on their profiles.

We offer a complete report once the Twitch campings is over

During the campaign process, you will know how it is evolving and what results have been obtained once it ends. For this reason, we will offer you a complete report in which you can check the success of the Twitch marketing campaigns.