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6 Lower-Nutrient Foods You Should Still Be Eating

Lower-Nutrient Foods

These meals are nonetheless healthful even if they may not be loaded with vitamins and minerals.

Our daily eating decisions are made for a variety of reasons, health being only one of them. Nevertheless, certain foods have a negative reputation for being “worthless” in terms of nutrition.

Lower-Nutrient Foods

That is not at all accurate, however. Here, we go further into six common foods that are still healthy additions to your plate even when they have lower-nutrient foods.


It’s a common knowledge that eating celery causes you to burn more calories than you take in. That’s probably not accurate (burning calories is very personal and varies greatly across individuals), but there are still a number of excellent reasons to eat this underappreciated crunchy vegetable.

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Celery is a great snack if you’re attempting to lose weight since it’s rich in fibre and low in calories. For extra lasting power, don’t forget to include protein and fibre in the form of peanut butter or hummus. It also contains a lot of minerals, like potassium and vitamin K. Moreover, celery has a high water content, which aids in maintaining hydration.


For good reason, this crisp vegetable is a favourite among the public. Pickles are a staple in life, and cucumbers are tasty and diverse foods. Having said that, some people disregard cucumbers due to their very low calorie and nutritional content.

Cucumber, while having few vitamins and minerals, is a powerhouse of antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and promote healthy skin. These antioxidants may also lower the chance of developing cancer. Because of its greater fibre content and low calorie count, it’s also a great meal for weight reduction. Cucumber juice and cucumber, mint, and melon smoothies are two great ways to enjoy this hydrating meal.

Iced Tea

In addition to being reviving, iced tea may be a nutritious supplement to your diet just make sure the teas you pick are unsweetened or very mildly sweetened to limit the amount of additional sugar you consume. Research indicates that tea has several health advantages, including as improving heart health, reducing the risk of stroke, assisting in the management of diabetes, and lowering the incidence of certain cancers.

This is so because freshly brewed tea has the highest concentration of flavonoids, which are antioxidants found in tea. Add a little lemon juice if you want to refrigerate a pot of cold tea. The flavonoids are preserved by the citric acid and vitamin C found in that squeeze of lemon, lime, or orange.

Iceberg Lettuce

There is no lettuce kind that compares to iceberg lettuce’s crispness, and a BLT isn’t the same without it. Sadly, there is a false belief that iceberg lettuce is essentially nutritionally worthless. Though it has a mere 9 calories per cup, it boasts many beneficial qualities.

Even though iceberg lettuce has relatively modest levels of calcium and potassium, every little bit helps. Additionally, it provides around 10% of your daily requirements for vitamin A, an essential vitamin for healthy immune system and eyesight.


Nutritionally speaking, radishes don’t receive much attention, but maybe they should. Like beets and spinach, radishes have a high natural nitrate content. These naturally occurring nitrates may be advantageous, in contrast to the less healthful nitrates added to processed meats.

Studies have shown that nitrates derived from plants might enhance the body’s circulation of oxygen, so improving cardiovascular, mental, and even physical health. To us, it seems like a solid reason to appreciate radishes. If your only experience with radishes is on a crudité platter, try one of these simple recipes to see just how tasty they can be.

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Not to mention, humans really could not survive without water. It may not appear like it has much nutritional value, even if it isn’t a food in the traditional sense. Water helps you keep hydrated even though it is lower-nutrient foods in fact, it doesn’t actually contain any. Water balance is essential for almost all human organs, including the kidneys, skin, heart, and brain.

Additionally, dehydration may cause unpleasant side effects including weight gain, increased risk of stroke, and mental fog. See how much water you should drink by the numbers for further information.