Image After Image - A Critical Review - Fictionistic

Image After Image – A Critical Review

Sadaf Iqbal - A Critical Analysis

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My brief commentary on Nilanshu Ranjan’s novel “Khamos Lamhon Ka Safar – Journey of Silent Moments” was published in the daily Qaumi Tanzeem.
(Writer: Sadaf Iqbal from Gaya, Province: Bihar, India)

“Journey of Silent Moments” is a novel written on a subject that has received very little attention. Numerous stories are scattered in our society. We are confronted with new characters every day, but the artistry is that the novel is a mirror of Nilanshu Ranjan’s art. With his imagination and power of observation, he has given a vivid picture of the movements and residences of human life and in this novel, he captures the reality of life in a very beautiful way. Using fact-finding and realism, he wielded the plot of the novel. The narrative style is short, concise, and enjoyable.

If we take a closer look at the novel, we feel that there are breadth and depth in the novelist’s thinking. He has taken the characters from the real scene and presented them in the novel. Nilanshu Ranjan wants to strike a balance between literature and life. His novel describes the true reality of life and spiritual love. The great thing about the novel is that it has very few characters.

The whole novel revolves around the two main characters “Ani” and “Ankat”. This is a unique love story of two married couples. Love is a subject that is more or less the subject of literature all over the world but Nilanshu Ranjan is also seen drowning and fighting in the same subject, but in the furnace of his own experiences, observations, and feelings, he emerges as a kandan. But what is important is the rarity of psychology and style in the problems of the characters. Here, cognition emerges in a very clear form. Such cognition becomes a means of understanding and comprehending the times.

The plot and the excellent narrative make this novel standard. He has used a simple narrative throughout the novel. So, this is a beautiful but tragic story of love between two married couples. This novel keeps the reader hooked from beginning to end. As soon as the novel is finished, the reader’s eyes get wet. What is eternal love? The novel beautifully explains it. A successful film can come out of this novel.

Nilanshu Ranjan loves the Urdu language immensely. Despite Hindi, this novel is a testament to his love for Urdu. In some places, Urdu words seem to be connected like a song. The name of the novel itself, “Journey of Silent Moments” shows his love for the Urdu language. 

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Nilanshu Ranjan is primarily a journalist. At the same time, he is also a poet with beautiful lips and accents. His study is very wide. And his studies have both insight and depth. Nilanshu Ranjan is valued in the world of poetry and journalism. I am sure that after the release of this novel, we will see them standing in the front row of novelists

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