Half Fry Eggs / Fried Eggs Amazing Recipe - egg curry
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Half Fry Eggs / Fried Eggs Amazing Recipe

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Fried Eggs is among the most popular dishes that is consumed in many countries across the globe, made with chicken eggs. It is a popular dish in India, here it’s known under its name Bulls Eye Egg and is a very popular food served from street sellers (known by the name of Tamil by the name of Thattu Kadai) in Tamil. Herein, Eggs are fried and served with rice, bread toast and grits and noodles. It is also served with toast or as a meal complement to any main course. It is generally consumed as breakfast meal. In India the event that one suffers from the symptoms of a cold-fried eggs is served with plenty in powdered chili pepper.

Fried eggs are cooked until the egg’s whites become transparent and completely white and the egg yolks become soft. Like other dishes, this dish can be cooked for more time until the surface becomes crisp or by adding the addition of water to cook it to the perfection. It’s all about personal taste. The way it is usually done is not flip, however some people like doing it this way too.

Fried eggs, or Half-boiled eggs that are served alongside milk were my be preferred in breakfast during the days of school. It’s stomach filling and healthy breakfast.

A nutritious breakfast with certain of your favorite dishes is bound to bring a smile to your face. Protein consumption has become a necessity in the midst of the ongoing pandemic. It’s not your favorite to indulge in the traditional English breakfast, which is packed with lots of oily foods. You can still consume eggs in the early morning to ensure your body gets an ideal start to the day. What about a tasty egg-half fry which isn’t too oily but that will please your taste and senses? It’s also simple to make, with no cooking experience required: it’ll be ready for you to eat in just five minutes. You can make the easiest breakfast that you can have every day.

What exactly is it?

A simple egg and half-fried with a buttery slice of toast, and a mandatory glass of coffee or tea is a nutritious protein-rich breakfast that will have you ready to go. The dish is a favorite street food and is known as ‘bull’s Eye’ in various regions of India. The British prefer the sunny side up when ordering half fry. 

A well-cooked half fry should be translucent and perfectly cooked with an egg with a soft yolk in its middle. One poke will result in the yolk pouring out. Toast, fried and drizzled with liquid yolks creates a unique combination of flavors!

The story of the halves-fry

Eggs have always been an integral element of any meal. We’ve enjoyed them since the beginning of time. But the origin of the method of cooking eggs that are perfect, that has a runny yolk inside the middle of a perfectly laid layer made of egg whites, goes at the French cook, Fernana Point, known as the founder of French cuisine, Point was a fanatic of cooking eggs correctly. The perfect sunny side-up eggs required a lot of butter in order to get the right texture and flavor.

Indians were quick to include this dish into their diet and then rechristened it as the egg-half fry. The street version that is available in India may not be based on the exact recipe of Point’s half fry but the taste has always been a major element.

Recipe for Fried Egg

Prepare Time – 1 min

Timing of Cooking – 3 minutes
Serves – 1 person


  • Egg – 1
  • Salt – A pinch
  • Pepper – a pinch
  • Oil/Butter – 1/2 tsp

Method of Preparation

  1. Cook a pan over the low side at moderately. You can use a non stick pan or a cast iron griddle . If you have a large pan, you can to cook multiple eggs in a single moment. I’ve used my small non-stick skillet to make an egg at a time.
  2. Now add some oil or butter (whatever you may prefer) into the pan.
  3. After about 10 seconds after approximately 10 seconds, break the egg.
  4. The eggs should be placed about 2 inches away from the pan. remove the hot pan then break them into pieces. If you’re afraid to drop it directly onto the pan, separate the eggs in separate bowls before pouring it in the skillet. If you’re using a larger pot add 2-3 eggs at a time, leaving a space between them. Then cook them at the same at the same time.
  5. Sprinkle a pinch of pepper or salt over the top of the eggs. You can include it at the time of serving.
  6. Cook until the eggs’ whites have completely set. It is expected to grab around thirty minutes of time. It is suggested that the yolks be soft. You can put the lid of the bowl to speed up the process.
  7. Transfer it carefully to an eating dish.


  • When the same preparation of eggs is cooked in the oven with an elevated temperature, the edges of the egg become crisp and brown. It appears to be like a an egg that is lacy and are often called Lacy Eggs.
  • The recipe is referred to as Bulls Eye Egg or Half Fry Bina Palti in India. After eggs are turned upside-down and the other side is prepared the yolk, it is then hard and solid. This is referred to by the name of Double Fried Egg or Over Hard or Over Well Done eggs in English. In Hindi it’s called Egg Fry Maarke.

Double Fried Egg

Serving Suggestion

  • Fried Eggs are typically consumed for breakfast, along with toast in English countries where English is spoken.
  • The food is popular in India and it’s served with rice, chapatti, parotta, dosa, chapatti appam, dosa and more.
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