Best ayuredic medicine for piles problem - Econarticle.com
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Best ayuredic medicine for piles problem

Hemorrhoids or piles are in the form of swollen veins near the anal area and cause blockage in the passage of stool. And it makes the person struggle with passing the stool. Pain, inflammation, itching and bleeding follows up. In the normal condition, tissues manage the anal area for discharging the stool. There has not been an exact cause found for the occurrence of piles but the researchers have linked the cause of hemorrhoids with the excess pressure put by the person during the stool discharge. That pressure building process causes the tissues or veins near the anal area to swell or get enlarged and it makes it really difficult to discharge the stool.

What are the reasons for piles or haemorrhoids?

There is no accurate reason found linking with the growth of the piles tissues, yet there are some following causes linking to the development of the swollen tissues.

  1.  Lack of proper nutrition in the diet, consumption of processed food items, alcoholism and nicotine abuse.
  2.  Irregular bowel movement leading to constipation and diarrhoea.
  3.  Not doing exercise on a regular basis and leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Due to continuous pressure in the abdominal area and pregnancy.
  5. Genetic reasons.
  6. Lack of veins in the anal area leading to intense pressure building and strain while discharging the stool and causing constipation and bleeding haemorrhoids.
  7. Excessive deposition of fats in the abdomen.

How many categories of piles or haemorrhoids are there?

  1. Internal: Though the piles may develop in the anal area, it can also prolapse outside.
  2. First stage: Even if the piles tissues may not come out but it may bleed.
  3. Second stage: The tissues may come out and then can get inside on their own.
  4. Third Stage : The swollen tissues not going inside until these tissues are not pushed in.
  5. Fourth Stage: In this stage, the tissues come out partially from the anus and these tissues remain outside and cause pain, bleeding, itching and irritation.
  6. External : Swollen tissues found outside the anal area.
  7. Prolapsed piles : The tissues expanding and swelling outside the anal area. It can be applicable to both external and internal haemorrhoids.

There are certain signs that indicate the condition of haemorrhoids developing in anal area . These signs are :

1) Pain and bleeding during the discharge of the stool.

2) Inflammation.

3) Discomfort due to swelling near the anal area.

How can haemorrhoids or piles be treated ?

Instead of visiting any doctor for piles treatment or surgery, one should try home remedial measures. It is home remedies for piles are :

  1. Are easy
  2. No side effects seen.
  3. Cost effective treatment

Different types of home remedial measures for piles or haemorrhoids are:

  1. Sitz bath: It is allowing the affected area to be under the lukewarm water for 5 to 10 minutes. Using betadine or any antiseptic solution in the warm water will actually heal the piles wounds naturally.
  2. Ice packs: It is preferable to apply during the summer season for the comfort of your body, skin and veins. Using this method for 5 to 10 minutes will surely reduce swelling, pain and inflammation in the affected area.
  3. Coconut oil : Studies reveal that coconut oil stops bleeding, inflammation and swelling of tissues. Applying lubrication in the anal passage and making the person easier to discharge the stool.
  4. Aloe vera: Applying the aloe vera in the swollen area, will help in minimizing the swollen tissues.
  5. Piles Free : It is the most effective ayurvedic medicine for piles. There are oil, capsules and powder in the pack made from anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, astringent and revitalizing herbs. These major ingredients are kutaj, nag kesar, tamra bhasma and vidanga.

Let’s understand how these specific herbs help in natural recovery from piles.

  1. Tamra Bhasma: It is used in minimizing constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.
  2. Kutaj : It heals the wounds, stops bleeding and shrinks the piles tissues.
  3. Nag kesar : it is helping in managing the piles tissues, controlling the inflammation and bleeding.
  4. Vidanga : It is known to alter the piles issues and manage vata elevation.

It has been proved with the scientific research and clinical testing on humans that this three In one pack of Dr Piles Free helps in controlling the abnormal bowel syndromes, constipation and disorders in the anus. These disorders are piles, fissures, fistula and abscess. Dr.Piles Free ensures proper working of the digestive mechanism by stimulating digestive Agni and managing the pitta and vata at optimum level.

It would be a matter of a few days, one will experience steady improvement from the chronic piles, fissures, fistula, and abscess. The improvement that will be noticed are:

1) Steadily reduce the bleeding.

2) Controls pain, irritation and discomfort.

3) Reduces inflammation.

4) Alters the swelling.

5) Remove the toxins from the body.

6) Easy and cost effective recovery unlike surgery.

7) No relapse is noticed.

8) No adverse effects are found.

Long term use of Dr.Piles Free promises excellent metabolism, relief from stress and obesity.However, it would be effective when the capsules, powder and oil are used in a proper way. Furthermore, Dr piles free is credited by the Ministry of Ayush, which is one of the main government bodies. The approval from this government association is the proof that this ayurvedic medicine is totally worth buying.

6,79,000+ consumers worldwide are happily living thier lives after using this amazing piles ayurvedic medicine, and this is also one of the major reasons why everyone should consider this medicine for curing their piles from roots.

Method of using Dr.Piles Free

  1. Capsules: Consuming two capsules twice a day.
  2. Powder : Using 3gms of  powder after dinner for oral purpose.
  3. Oil : Depending on the severity, you can apply in the affected area as many times a day.
You can order this ayurvedic medicine for piles from SKinRange online at a discounted price.

What else can you do to control the development of haemorrhoids?

Nirogayurved would suggest you to apply few simple methods in your daily life apart from using ayurvedic medication for preventing the development of hard stool, constipation, piles, fissures or any type of anal disorder:

  1. Stop sitting and straining in the toilet for a long time.
  2. Do not avoid the urge to discharge the stool.
  3. Drink plenty of water.
  4. Minimize drinking caffeine, tea or coffee as much as possible. And also stop the consumption of alcohol and nicotine abuse.
  5. Increase the quantity of fiber in your diet. Eat fruits, vegetables and wholegrains as much as possible. For men, it is recommended to have 35 gms fiber a day and for women, it is 25gms fiber a day.

6. Practice exercise regularly. It can be running, skipping or playing outdoor activities. It will help in activating the bowel movement and bring relief from all the symptoms of constipation and piles. Moreover, sitting in a squat style or Malasana posture can help in recovering from the bleeding hemorrhoids and constipation.

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