What are Restrictions on Real Estate Organization’s Activities in Turkmenistan? | Explanation

What are Restrictions on Real Estate Organization’s Activities in Turkmenistan?

What are Restrictions on Real Estate Organization’s Activities in Turkmenistan?
It is prohibited to demand that a realtor provide information and documents that violate the confidentiality conditions for the provision of real estate services established by the agreement.

According to the Law of Turkmenistan on Real Estate Activities, a real estate organization is not entitled to:

conclude an agreement, the subject of which is real estate or rights to it, in respect of which it has already concluded another agreement with another consumer of the service;

act as an executor of the assessment of the property in respect of which it provides real estate services to the consumer.

The intervention of the consumer of the service or third parties that are not a party to the contract in the activities of the realtor is not allowed if this may adversely affect the result of the provision of the real estate service, including limiting the range of issues to be clarified or determined in the course of the provision of this service.

It is prohibited to demand that a realtor provide information and documents that violate the confidentiality conditions for the provision of real estate services established by the agreement.