Consumer’s Right to Products of Good Quality in Turkmenistan | Explanation

Consumer’s Right to Products of Good Quality in Turkmenistan

Consumer’s Right to Products of Good Quality in Turkmenistan
Berkarar Shopping and Entertainment Center, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

What are the rights of a consumer in Turkmenistan to a product (work, service) of good quality and to check its quality?

According to the Law of Turkmenistan on Protection of Consumer Rights, the consumer has the right to products (work, services) of good quality he/she buys that meet the requirements of regulatory documents or the terms of contracts.

The seller (executor) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (work, service), the quality of which corresponds to the information provided about the product (work, service), the terms of the contract and the requirements of the legislation of Turkmenistan.

The consumer has the right to check the quality of the product (work), completeness, quantity of the product (work), to conduct in his presence a demonstration of performance, correct and safe use of the product (work), if this is not excluded due to the nature of the product (work).

The seller (executor) is obliged to demonstrate the operability of the products (work), check its completeness, provide the consumer with the necessary documents confirming the quality of the products (work).

In the absence of conditions for the quality of products (work) in the contract, the seller (executor) is obliged to transfer to the consumer products (work) that meets the requirements and is suitable for the purposes for which the products (work) of this kind are used.

If the seller (executor) at the conclusion of the contract was informed by the consumer about the specific purposes of purchasing the products (work), the seller (executor) is obliged to transfer the products (work) to the consumer, suitable for use in accordance with these purposes.

When selling a product (work) according to a sample and (or) description, the seller (executor) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (work) that corresponds to this sample and (or) description.

Source: Law of Turkmenistan on Protection of Consumer Rights