January-April: Türkmenhimiýa State Concern Achieves 159.3% Work Plan | Chemical industry

January-April: Türkmenhimiýa State Concern Achieves 159.3% Work Plan

January-April: Türkmenhimiýa State Concern Achieves 159.3% Work Plan
The Maryazot enterprise of the Türkmenhimiýa State Concern

The Türkmenhimiýa (Turkmen Chemicals) State Concern in January-April of the current year has accomplished its work plan at a level of 159.3%.

As reported by Turkmenistan's official media, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers on Construction and Industry Affairs, Baymyrat Annamammedov, presented the results of the construction and industrial sectors' activities for January-April 2024 at a regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on Friday.

The Deputy Prime Minister noted that the plan for production and the complex of works carried out during the reporting period were fulfilled at 122.5%. The Ministry of Construction and Architecture completed the plan at a level of 107.3%, the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production at 101.5%, and the Ministry of Energy at 111.6%.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister's report, the State Agency for Road Construction Management completed the work plan at 111.5%, and the administration of Ashgabat city at 126.4%.

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of strengthening the material-technical base of the industry for the successful implementation of tasks in road construction. He instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to strictly monitor the completion of building and construction projects, residential houses planned for commissioning in 2024, within the set deadlines.

During the government meeting, the results of work carried out in the economy sectors for the first four months of the current year were also reviewed, along with discussions on several other issues.