Turkmenistan's Trade Complex Exhibition Kicks Off in Ashgabat | Photo Report

Turkmenistan's Trade Complex Exhibition Kicks Off in Ashgabat

Turkmenistan's Trade Complex Exhibition Kicks Off in Ashgabat
Exhibition of Turkmenistan's Trade Complex in Ashgabat, April 3, 2024

The Exhibition of Turkmenistan's Trade Complex commenced on Wednesday at the Exhibition Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ashgabat.

The exhibition features participation from various ministries and agencies related to the trade complex, as well as members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET) working across different sectors.

Turkmenistan's President Serdar Berdimuhamedov warmly congratulated the participants on the start of the Exhibition of Turkmenistan's Trade Complex.

"The current large-scale exhibition will allow us to assess the development of the country's textile industry, national art of carpet weaving," stated the President in his congratulatory letter.

The Exhibition of Turkmenistan's Trade Complex showcases the country's achievements in the service sector, textile and carpet industries, as well as other trade sectors.

During the Cabinet of Ministers meeting held on March 29, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Batyr Atdayev, reported on the organization of promotional events, presentations of national clothing by the fashion houses of the Ministry of Textile Industry and the UIET, as well as new types of products manufactured by representatives of the private sector, aimed at demonstrating the achievements of our country.

The Exhibition of Turkmenistan's Trade Complex will last for three days and conclude on April 5, 2024.