Safari with Baab AL Shams Dinner - Boast City

Safari with Baab AL Shams Dinner

safari tour with dinner

Baab Al Shams Desert Resort & Spa is one of the best camps in Dubai. The camp offers a wide range of activities, facilities and services over the desert landscape. You can experience safari with dinner at this resort where you can find rabbits and foxes as well as other wild animals.

Baab Al Shams Desert Resort & Spa is one of the best camps in Dubai

Baab Al Shams Desert Resort & Spa is one of the best camps in Dubai. It is located in the heart of the desert, so you can enjoy a great family vacation there with your friends or family members. You will also be able to go on a desert safari at night, which will be one of your greatest memories during this trip if you choose Baab Al Shams as your accommodation.

Experience safari with dinner at Baab Al Shams Desert Resort & Spa

Baab Al Shams Desert Resort & Spa is located in the desert of Sharqiya, about an hour’s drive from Cairo. To get there, you can either fly to Cairo International Airport and rent a car or take one of our flights to Aswan and then hire a taxi to drive you to the resort.

Once at Baab Al Shams Desert Resort & Spa, guests can enjoy a safari tour with dinner at their own private family campfire or under open sky tents. The activities include horseback riding (on an Arabian horse), camel rides through sand dunes that rise up high enough so that you feel like you’re floating above them as they blow gently in the wind; swimming in pools fed by natural springs; hiking through beautiful sceneries made up of red rocks cliffs along with palm trees enjoying coconut water dripping down on top!

Know how to reach there

How to reach there

  • By road: You can get to the park by car or bus from Cairo. The drive takes about 3 hours, but it’s worth it for the stunning views of the desert landscape and its wildlife.
  • By air: You can fly into Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport (SSH). Once there, proceed to the city center where you will be able to find a taxi driver willing to take you on a guided tour around the area (around $20). Make sure that they know where Baab AL Shams Dinner is located as well!
  • By rail: There is no direct train service between Cairo and Sharm el-Sheikh so we recommend renting a car once arriving in Egypt if possible before proceeding with any other activities planned during your stay here at Safari with Baab AL Shams Dinner

Know how to go on a safari tour with dinner

Safari with dinner is a great way to explore the safari parks, and it’s an experience you won’t forget. You’ll be able to see some amazing animals in their natural habitat, as well as learn about their behavior and habits.

Before heading out on your tour, make sure that you bring appropriate clothing for being outdoors—a hat or cap will help keep the sun off of your head while still allowing air circulation; sunscreen should be applied regularly throughout the day; sunglasses are also recommended if there’s any chance of prolonged exposure to direct sunlight (i.e., not just early morning). Be prepared for insects or other bugs that may come along during this part of the excursion; these include mosquitoes (which can transmit diseases), ticks (which carry disease), fleas/lice (they live off blood) etcetera… If any biting insects do set up residence within reachable distance during dinner time then please let us know immediately so we can provide assistance if necessary!

Know about the activities and facilities

The resort has various desert adventures for you to enjoy in this resort. Baab AL Shams offers four desert adventures, namely, dune bashing, camel riding, sand boarding and quad biking.

The staffs at the hotel will help you take part in these activities and make sure that they are safe for everyone.

There are various desert adventures for you to enjoy in this resort.

  • Desert Safari
  • Desert Trekking
  • Desert Camping
  • Desert Snorkeling and Diving: Snorkel in the warm waters of the Red Sea and dive into its depths. There are also coral reefs to explore, as well as fish that only live in these waters!
  • Horse Riding: You can go horse riding through a beautiful desert landscape, or even do some archery if you’re feeling adventurous!

The desert safari tour at Baab Al Shams Desert Resort & Spa is one of the best ways to spend a day in Dubai. It will give you an opportunity to experience the beauty of the desert and learn more about it from some of its best guides who are knowledgeable about Dubai’s history and culture. The activities offered at this resort include camel riding, driving on a dune buggy through sand dunes, shooting clay pigeons with rifles or bows and arrows, hunting for wild animals using a rifle or bow-and-arrows while sitting in your comfortable vehicle seat with climate control system adaptable to different seasons (i.e., hot weather). You can also go on various adventure tours like visiting museums, historical sites etc.


Dubai is a city that never sleeps. Whether it’s during the day or at night, the city always has some kind of activity going on. The activity may stop for an hour or two, but it starts again soon enough. The city is a bustling metropolis and has many different parts to it. There are many things to do in Dubai and there are also different areas of the city with their own flair and culture. Desert dunes Dubai is one such place in this large expanse of sand which offers a variety of activities for people who come here from all over the world.

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