11 Ways to Make Online Quran Classes for Kids Easier - Boast City

11 Ways to Make Online Quran Classes for Kids Easier

Are you seeking for methods to make online Quran classes lessons more accessible to your children? If you are, you have come to the correct place.

With the aid of my recent study and experience teaching the Quran online to my children, I have developed 11 ways for making online Quran sessions simpler and more enjoyable to learn.

Make Short-Term Goals

While educating your youngster, concentrate on one chapter at a time rather than attempting to educate him on all chapters at once.

This will allow him to better absorb knowledge and comprehend what he has been taught than if he was taught everything all at once. He may get confused if too much information is offered to him at once.

Nothing, not even the Quran, should be taught to our children in this manner. We must divide it into manageable bits.

Establish attainable objectives for yourself and your kid to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the work at hand.

Concentrate on one subject at a time, such as remembering certain surahs or mastering Arabic script before memorizing all surahs in sequence.

Get Connected with the Right Teacher

The Quran can only be taught by a qualified instructor who has mastered the art of instruction. To properly educate your kid on how to read the Quran, you will need someone who knows its meaning, lessons, and linguistic features.

The finest academies for best online Quran classes for kids can help you schedule online Quran classes for kids.

A qualified instructor will also ensure that you take the necessary measures to educate your kid on how to recite and comprehend the Holy Quran.

Set a Schedule to Study, then Stick to it

Make a learning timetable. That means that your children will get their lessons on the same day every week or month, so they will know when to expect them and can look forward to them.

You may do this at any time of day but don’t allow them too much time between classes (for example, one hour every day).

This will make things easy for both you and your kid since you will save time getting ready. You’ll have more time to study.

Prepare a Lesson Plan Each Day

Be careful to plan out your lessons for each day. If you are new to online Quran instruction, begin with 10 minutes each day and progressively expand.

The most essential thing is to make it a habit and include it in their daily routine.

Make Sure Your Child Understands What They Are Learning

You don’t want kids merely remembering words without comprehending what they mean or why they should say those words in prayer and practice on a regular basis.

Therefore make sure you explain everything thoroughly so that kids completely comprehend what is occurring as they repeat each verse or chapter of the Holy Book.

Choose a Quiet Place

You must select a quiet location, either at home or elsewhere, where your kid can concentrate on what he or she needs to learn without being distracted by anything else.

Moreover, ensure that this location includes a desk and chair where your kid may sit comfortably while learning from their instructor.

Keep Distractions Away

Children, as you know, have limited attention spans, particularly when they are young. Hence, when teaching children Quranic verses, keep all distractions at bay.

You may use sticky notes or post reminders on their walls to keep other things from distracting them.

Show your children any book with great drawings in vivid colors before beginning your lesson. This will allow students to concentrate on what they are learning and avoid distractions from other things around them.

You may also question them about what they observe in each image since this helps children get more acquainted with the Arabic language quicker than just reading them quietly.

Make Learning Fun

Make it entertaining for young pupils by rewarding them with flashcards, stickers, or sweets for remembering passages. Stickers are quite popular among children.

Flashcards are an excellent tool for teaching children the Arabic alphabet and how its letters sound when spoken together. It’s also a great tool for older children to learn surahs or Quranic passages.

Monitor the Progress through Frequent Tests

If you want to teach your children the Holy Quran, you must keep track of their development. This will assist you in determining their strengths and shortcomings. You may also utilize this information to choose the best course of action for them.

Here are some strategies to keep track of your children’s progress:

  1. Regularly assess them on reciting.
  2. Pay attention to their actions during recitation sessions.
  3. Inquire about their growth with persons they know well (teachers, acquaintances, family).

Keep Your Child Motivated

One of the most essential things you can do is to keep your youngster motivated to study the Quran. This is particularly true if you are teaching a youngster to read and write Arabic for the first time.

Set up a reward system so kids know what they need to accomplish to obtain a reward. This will help your kid stay motivated throughout the day and week, as well as concentrate on what they need to study in order to receive their reward.

Give your youngster with stickers or any other modest treat that makes them happy each time.

Also Read: You can become an expert in the Quran by taking online programs.

Give Them a Break

Youngsters are vulnerable to pressure and may feel it even if they don’t grasp what it is. Therefore don’t put any pressure on them to study something they don’t comprehend.

Make sure you don’t become upset with them if they make errors (they will), don’t comprehend something the first time, or don’t do anything right away.

Do not compare your kid to others; each youngster has unique skills and limitations.

Different Online Quran Courses for Kids

There are different online Quran classes courses available for kids. You can choose any course suitable for them:

  • Tajweed Quran Course
  • Tafseer Quran Course
  • Arabic Course
  • Quran Memorization Course


Online Quran classes for kids are an excellent approach to help children study the Quran, but they are not without difficulties.

You must be patient and recognize that completing these classes will demand some work if you want to assist your children to study the Quran and obtain vital information.

Yet, with appropriate organization and care, you may utilize these teachings to educate your children about the Quran.

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