Celebrating St.Patrick’s Day Around The World

St.Patrick’s Day is celebrated on march 17 of every year in the memory of St.Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland. It is started as a religious feast day which gradually became an international festival celebrating Irish culture. They celebrate this day with large parades, concerts, delicious food etc.

Image credit: https://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/ay106141278parade-goers-dre.jpg

People celebrate this day by wearing green costumes and adding green color to every possible things around them. Parades are held in a grand manner that attracts tourists from all over the world. In parties, they prepare Irish food and drinks that are dyed in green food color to enhance the color of the day.

In Chicago, they celebrate this day in an incredible way. They used to mix 1000 pounds of green vegetable dye in the river to keep it green for an entire week. But now due to environmental issues, they are mixing only 40 pounds of dye in the river that stays green for 2 to 3 hours.

Image credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/52/2014-03-15_7170x4780_chicago_green_river.jpg/1024px-2014-03-15_7170x4780_chicago_green_river.jpg

In other parts of the world, they celebrate it by changing the day’s theme as green. Skyscrapers are projected with green color lights at night. People wear green costumes and used to tell their children about leprechaun, a mythological creature and other related fairy tales. In some areas, this day is announced as an official holiday.

Image Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Dallas%2C_Texas-02.jpg/1024px-Dallas%2C_Texas-02.jpg
Image Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Dallas%2C_Texas-02.jpg/1024px-Dallas%2C_Texas-02.jpg

Every year around 1 million people take part in Ireland’s St.Patrick’s festival in dublin, a multi-day celebration with parades, concerts, outdoor theatre productions and firework  shows.

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