My first experiences

My first experiences

My first experiences

I was just 15 at the time, and like all boys of that age, I was very curious. So it happened one afternoon that I was with my friend and we enjoyed the warm summer day in his parents' pool.

When he got out of the water at some point he was right in front of me and I saw that he had a huge bulge in his pants. I had noticed his big bump many times, but that day it seemed a lot bigger than usual.

That day I gathered my courage and asked him if I should see his cock. To my surprise, he took off his swimming trunks and his big cock jumped towards me (I later measured 21.5 x 5 cm).

My eyes widened at the sight and my little boy answered immediately. I summarized my courage and asked him if I could touch him and he just said: grab it. I needed both hands to fully grasp this cock.

I just couldn't stop playing on this stand, my hands slid over it and so I jerked a cock other than mine for the first time. The excitement in my pants grew more and more.

He seemed to like it too, as I could see from his groans. It excited me so much that I soon splashed into my swimming trunks, still jerking his cock. Shortly afterwards it was time.

He sprayed. It was a multiple amount of what came out of it with me. A few dashes of his cream splash up to my face. As if from a reflex I licked his cream and it tasted very good to me.

We repeated this many times, but then my cock was not neglected and soon went on to the next step.

Do you want to know how it went with my friend and me? Then like to comment on this story. I like to answer and write how it went on. LG Jensy

translation with google translate
Published by jensycd
3 years ago
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Harika bir hatıra. Devamını bekliyorum.
Es ist eine großartige Erinnerung. Ich warte auf den Rest.
Great souvenir. I'm waiting for the continuation.
to luvover50 : These are always my lovely childhood memories
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First experiences always leave an unforgettable impression.