Trump is an absolute disaster

Trump is an absolute disaster

("Given his proclivity for revenge combined with his notorious thin skin, this threatens to result in a lasting relationship of distrust and ill will between the president and the intelligence community,” said Paul Pillar, former deputy director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center...Pillar added: “Everything Trump has indicated with regard to his character and tendencies for vindictiveness might be worse” than former president Richard Nixon, who also had a dysfunctional relationship with the intelligence community.)

That above comment will bring out trumps arrogance and stupidity in dealing with not only domestic issues, but international ones as well. I predict that he will try to erode our constitutional rights to free speech and assembly. We all have freedom of opinion, except when it disagrees with his version of things. He goes on a strange and disturbing rampage over a difference of opinion. This is very dangerous for the leader of the free world to do.

Arrogance, extremely thin skin, surrounding himself with yes men (very few women, so far), he fawns over anyone who gives him the slightest bit of praise. (Putin, anyone?). The hatred he inspires among his base. The fear he instills in immigrants and the religious intolerance is un-American. This is not our country to be so divisive.
I fear for our country, I really do.

I am expressing my freedom of speech. How much you want to bet I get slammed for being un-American, unpatriotic, and having the gall to be anti-trump?

7 years ago
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Right now not too good
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Does anybody think Biden/Harris are doing a good job❓
Bravo , you and I seem to be the only ones that have any critical thinking because these losers never have anything to add except insults . They have no idea that the puppet masters control all decisions not the president  because it's manipulated and rigged by so many entities with money. The only president in our times that had no one to payoff was Trump . Domestic jobs and racial tensions would have been better if not for the lefties and lamestream fake news media
what ever you don't sound like you and your buddies that agree do any research you all just stop thinking when you feeling get hurt . Really immature in my opinion
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Christ like you should be above not getting slammed REALLY??? Either you have your own arrogance or you are super naive or both. The intel community from what you are saying is the DEEPSTATE and is the puppet master and or can be weaponized by Presidents that don't criticize them when they fail on their intel  which they have and have covered up many dirty BLACKOPS. You sir seem to be the ignorant one when it comes to what Trump was trying to accomplish and never in your unbiased mind [hahahahaha] would you ever consider that there is another way Government should work .......like for the people instead using them as slaves and pawns for their masters which seems to be the POLITICIANS THE CIA THE DOJ .....hell tell me how does congress all of a sudden on both sides being divided have a better poll  as individual parties than when they are at loggerheads and get nothing done. Trump was trying to change culture through exposing the politicians and bureaucrats for their corruption and arrogance in my opinion but as usual there is always different ways of looking at things . Unfortunately you all on the left .....I'm assuming you are a democrat  ....right?  So how do you not look at his policies first before you judge him on his obnoxious behavior. OOOOOOH did I say OBNOXIOUS BEHAVIOR <LOL yup I did a Trump supporter  said that . Your feeling are unimportant to what the facts are about Trumps Policies. Not all were great but how can you not be happy about more money in your paycheck and a better tax break  wit a much higher automatic deduction on your 1040 form  and a the policies he said forth for black . God almighty look it up and research that is if your feeling and hate don't stop you from being logical and critical thinker. Also if you are going to leave public comments don't be so naive that you aren't going to be challenged . If you have a reply at least have verifiable info not some vague bullshit 
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trump is a psychopath narcissist. i fear for democracy in the usa
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Well said
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Just like it's morality, bankrupt!
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Hahaha true. Bankrupt it 
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“He couldn’t run a one-car funeral,” said Frank Behum, a former unionized steelworker. 
Look at newtothis' home country.  Is his opinion viable to Americans?   
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Problem is, he doesn't have any brains.
We already are because of your boy
And Trump saying grabbing them by the pussy isn't creepy?
I'm too old to hold My breath, sadly. I predicted he could not be controlled after his nomination.  He never had a board of directors to tell him NO.  His father was arrested at a KKK rally in NCY.  Don't get Me started on his involvement in organized crime.  The bankruptcy 9though legal) affected 10K +/- people many of them also went bankrupt.  He walked away w/ $43 Mil afterwards.

Now I'm pissed [lol] all over again at the stupidity of America, though he was 3 mil votes short of a majority.

psychology today . com/intl/articles/201305/how-spot-sociopath

Copy paste close the spaces in your browser.
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Unfortunately probably true although I hope we can move forward
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Sometimes I hate when I'm correct in My assessment.  We are likely too old to see the repair, if ever, to our political system.
Yup. We've lost all respect in the world order.
Probably very true. I have no use for socialism
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Both parties are experiencing wild swings away from their norms.  If you want to help or avoid such drastic tendencies from the Republicans, Democrats need to stop with the push toward socialism.  It has been tried before and it never ends well.  This is what Republicans fear and despise the most.
Words just as true as when you wrote them 2 years ago
Hello my friend. Been a long time. 
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You're not un-American, my friend. Far from it. And as for surrounding himself with "yes" men, it's fascinating to watch the "yes" men fall out of favour just as quickly as anyone else when they disagree with him. This fact alone should illustrate how foolish it would be ally oneself with him. He's alienated America's friends and got into bed with its foes. But despite all that, you can rest easy knowing his presidency is a blip - an aberration. How much longer has he got? 1 year? 5yrs max. Unfortunately, over on this side of the pond, our problem has the potential to be generational. And the political and cultural poison it has unleashed will not drain quickly. Great post. Love it when you get political :heart:
I agree with you.  And, two years after your original comment, he has proved to be even worse.