

Welcome friends and thank you for your time visiting my page and choosing to look further into "about me". I hope you find what you seek, or see something surprising, but most of all i hope you find a laugh!

Who I am:

A human, just like you. Same but different, just like everyone else.

Why am I here?:

I like to dream and beauty is of course a great inspiration. Atomese is a way to explain these dreams in hopes to share the mindgasm.

Otherwise, If you think you know why I’m here, please don't tell me and interrupt me! ;)))))

I have befriended many people here, from all over the world. This, in itself is a thrill, to get to know, Beautiful People!

Beauty all around, deserving of our words, are their colors & curves.

Dictionary of “Atomese”:

Words I often use that, in which, just as often, require an explanation, so I had the thought of creating a list for my friends to reference and maybe better understand me & atomese more fluently.

Note that this list does not indicate that I care about your opinion, just that you understand mine clearly! :)

Manfession -(Man-that-should-of-went-fishing) or (Man-fess-shun); When a man publicly confesses something that should have been saved for private conversation between friends who understand him…better. NOT when he is in chat lobby full of mysterious people.../runsaway!

Mindgasm - (Mind-gazumm); A step, or two, maybe thirteen above a normal, physical-orgasm. Pure-mental bliss. Where imagination & day dreams reveal the ultimate mental satisfaction and sometimes…they shiver inside!

Epiraculous – (ep-ah-rack-you-lust); Epic + miraculous = Epiraculous! A word invented when beauty demanded a new way to describe itself.

@Patricking - When i say this, it means that i'm "In awe, of all your Beautiful". See image below for an example:

Chalice - The space or silhouette between her legs and just beneath and leading up to the...the good stuff. Apparently this is also known as a 'thigh gap" or on KCCO, it's category is "Mind the Gap", epic wording!

(Works in process: xhamStaaR, handcheck \o/, accent fetish)

Bum cups: No easier way to explain this…

Fetish list:

Beauty is my fetish, head to toe beautiful, all the pieces of your puzzle of pretty.

Eyes & Smiles – seriously, it’s all I need for an absolute “mind-gasm”

Hair- Natures frame for your smiles & eyes in all their elegance & grace.

Smile Dimples – The echoing of your smile creates a ripple along your cheekbone I find irresistible. When you smile, your eyes do to, making one smile become three…maybe six if you include mine too!

Armpits – Maybe? I’m not sure yet, but every time I see an armpit I’ll be the first one to draw attention to it! (See definition of “manfession” in dictionary)

Words – Words are miracles within themselves; dots & dashes , lines & curves...our tools to let each other know how beauty makes us feel it's truth.

Smoke - I almost forgot …Smoke; a candle, incense, cig, or any smoke really. With your smiles & eyes as the backdrop...atom's bomb explodes!

Future Fetish - (under construction) (lmao)

Thank you, for YOU, my friends. You make me who I am, a reflection of your beautiful, and that is “my everything”.

Xham on!

Published by atomese4u
8 years ago
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