I HATE Porn!!!!!!!!*

I HATE Porn!!!!!!!!*

(*That got your attention, didn't it?:) Relax. This is a spoof)

I’m crying, miserable and at my wit's end.
My marriage is falling apart.
I’m going to divorce my husband.
And it's all because of Porn.

When we first got married a few years ago, we had a great sex life. We were intimate five, six days a week.

Then,after about a year, things started to change. Our sex life started to fall off. The few times we did have sex, he seemed strangely distant.


I started pressing him for an explanation. He would always say he was always too tired or too stressed from work. He started to spend more and more time alone in his Man Cave. With the door shut.


One day, after he left for work, I have to admit, I spied on him. I went into his Man Cave. On his computer screen was a still photo of a very Beautiful Woman. Somebody named Madison Ivy. I broke out in a cold sweat, feeling very insecure. Being short, plain-looking and overweight, I've always had terrible self-esteem issues. She was everything I've always wished I could be.


The next thing I knew, three, four, five, six months passed without my husband touching me once.



I'm not very smart, but I'm not completely stupid. I knew what was going on. My dear, beloved husband had somehow turned into a Porn Addict.


And I had become a - what's horrible expression? - a Porn Widow.


I got up the nerve to confront him. He swore he'd never look at porn again. That quickly turned out to be a LIE.


I became horribly depressed. The Porn women he masturbated to every night were so gorgeous. I could never compare or compete with them.


Resentful, he started getting very passive aggressive with his Porn Habits.


Finally, I threatened divorce. He laughed in my face.


He knew I would never leave him. It's now been five years since we've had any sex. We're basically platonic roommates now. I',m miserable, but he seems perfectly content.


The finally indignation is that I've given up on any hope of a normal sex wife with my husband again and have become a porn addict myself.

I asked him if we could at least watch Porn together and masturbate as a couple. He slammed the door of his Porn Cave in my face.I now feel suicidal.


Porn killed my bedroom and my marriage.

I HATE PORN! Someone, Dear God, help me. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 years ago
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She sealed her own fate.
Join the club I did everything I could for my wife. But then she refused to do dress up for me then it just became a grind even getting in the same bed. No heels no sex.
One of the Smartest woman I ever met understood MEN.. She embraced Porn.. Liked it herself.. Could have Kept any man happy with all her Nasty thoughts.. She was a TOTAL SEX JUNKIE .. She had to relocate due to work.. We drifted apart( tried the phone sex just not the same).. Never could find a Woman like her again.. She would have seen this BLOG.. and SHOWED it to me... We need more Women like her.
Hot as fuck.
porn is so much better then love and al that flipflop. we dont need a loving wife! we need a perfect 10 cunt who sucks of our dick virtual and gets us of by showing how there ass gets plowed evvery day! we wil never want to go back after adrianan chechik gets her ass drilled day in and out for us in porn!
to sexistpigpornadict : Porn wrecks relationships that are already on shaky footing. It ruins relationships where porn is the only respit of the man because his woman has closed shop between her legs. Porn ruins relationships where the partners are not honest about their mutual expectations in the bedroom.

On the other hand, relationships that are open about their sexuality, preferences, expectations and there is periodic intimacy, they are bolstered by porn. Nothing hotter than watching your man watch porn but knowing that at the end of day he wants me more than anything else.
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to drtylilcumslt : like wise, porn has inspired my real time sex life
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to drtylilcumslt : But porn wrecks LOTS of 'ships. That's just a well documented fact dirtylilcumslt.
Btw, I like how you have to spell slut "slt," for the same reason I have to spell addict "adict." Finite no.of characters in XHam usernames. At least I think that's why you spell slut slt.
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to sexistpigpornadict : nope! maybe because in all my relationships, our mutual sexuality has been out in the open quite early in the relationship and thankfully (well not really thankfully if i think about it, the mutual attraction that brought us together would not have existed if we were not sexually compatible), we have been like two peas in a pod.

so no, none of my partners have been less porn fiends than me. and yes, i have watched porn with all of them. and yes, that made our relationship stronger. so fuck whoever thinks that porn wrecks relationships.
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to drtylilcumslt : Have any of your relationships ended because you're a porn addict and your bf wasn't? Do tell.
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to drtylilcumslt : nude2 isn't the sharpest tack in the box:) I blocked him being too stupid (as well as being a troll).
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a lesson here: porn has energized all my relationships. and maybe the course of the relationship is determined by which gender is the addict.

and here we were striving for gender equality...
to nude2 : yes there is, it is being regulated like a business - not as entertainment.
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to nude2 : No shit Sherlock. It's meant sarcastically. Next time, try reading a blog before commenting on it.
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Clever Blog
Nothing wrong with porn
Fuck, it is so hot to read about porn widows! No wife can ever compare to porn!
to JessicaSissysub : Guess your secret's out now.
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I secretly love all of these hateful vanilla-bitch humiliating comments...
Hey http://xhamster.com/user/netersel - So, you'd rather fuck some fat ugly washed up hag (you know, like halinaplays, who you're trolling for:)) than jerk off to Perfect 10 Porn Goddesses?
Clearly, you're not a REAL porn fan like us.
But hey, it's okay to be a casual porn fan - you just can't hang with the Porn Elite:smile:
Try us again when you're porn viewing has evolved past amateur hour. We'll consider your application then, but no promises, ok?
to netersel : We're Real Men. You're a sissy, who, like, actually still fucks his own wife. Joke's on you Euroclown.
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to netersel : Pay him no mind Filthy; he's a troll for that fat fuck, err, "BBW" halinaplays. He's been banished from the Kingdom, never to return.
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to netersel : Gay? Well now, we could never have that!
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I hate anal,it always makes me feel gay.Have always had that feeling but you guys love.enjoy
Send me all your porn widows,you guys are funny as hell!
What a trip
to unemployed-wanker : Agreed. He'll be back, but as soon as he does, I'm blocking him. His behavior is simply unacceptable.
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to zenedinecole : oh yes it is. it's an all consuming life changing piece of art.
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to Paulo324 : sadly i think it's time he's banished from this site and this group of wankers....we know who we are. sad cos he's a good guy to chat with but this nonsense has to stop.
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to zenedinecole : Yet, he leaves every few weeks out of guilt. Obviously he just plays at being aDICKted. He's a phony and can't hang with those of us who truly LOVE porn more than anything. Good riddance poseur. I warned him many times this would happen if he kept "retiring" and coming back.
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