How fetish porn helps our economy. I think...

How fetish porn helps our economy. I think...

I don’t think I’ve ever read anything online about porn and our economy, but I think about it a lot, because it’s important.

Porn drives technology (streaming video, file compression, virus protection, server tech, need for bandwidth, HD video…) but that’s not what I am going to write about. There are over 2.5 Billion adults in the world with an internet connection, and that’s a pretty big market, but that’s not what I’m going to write about either.

I grew up in a nice home with a nice family, but when I was 19 I was living on the street. I fucked up bad with bad d**gs. I wasn’t there for long, but I was homeless long enough to know it sucks, and feels like there’s no hope of getting out of it. Through a strange string of events, I got sober and back on my feet. I got student loans and worked 40 hours a week while I took 18 credits a semester until I graduated with a bachelors. I figured I needed to pay off those loans quick, so I got a “business man" job where I wore a suit and sold complicated tech shit to businesses. I was not great at it, but I worked hard, kept afloat, and paid off my loans in a few years.

Then in 2008, with a college degree and over 7 years of B2B technical sales experience, I found myself unable to get a job in my industry. I got laid off 4 times in 5 months by venture funded flakey internet startup companies, who were the only ones hiring at the time. So I said fuck it all, and started in the porn biz…

I have been really happy ever since. Mostly because I get to perv out all day and make some money from it, but also because my job ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE. When I sold software and IT solutions to big companies, I got paid salary plus commission to convince CEOs and CTOs that they needed a solution to something that they didn’t know they had a problem with in the first place. It was stupid. Half the time the solutions I sold only complicated my customers’ businesses. Now I make a product that does EXACTLY what it says it will do. Porn gives boners and helps people cum. Fetish Porn scratches a kinky itch that could not otherwise be scratched (hopefully it does anyway, I know my stuff is pretty cheesy, but I do try hard :)

Because porn is a business built around an honest product, the workers have honest jobs. I hire models to put on specific clothes, move in specific ways, and say specific things. On top of that, I pay $100 per hour in a shitty economy. My company is really really small, and I know my little production barely makes a dent in my city’s economy, but I am not alone. I can only afford to shoot a few times per month, but there are probably 20 other productions my size in Tampa. We all hire anyone who has the look and limits that we need on any given day. I can’t tell you how many models have told me that they were keeping their power on, buying their k** a birthday present, paying a medical debt, paying for school… with money from my shoot. I would say this is the case 70% of the time.

Fetish Porn hires people who can’t get other jobs. I know that there are many Fetish Porn workers who have multiple degrees, are super intelligent, and are capable of doing anything. I am not knocking them, or any Fetish Porn workers with a generalization. I am saying that Fetish Porn also feeds a lot of people who would other wise be on public assistance or criminals of desperation (like I was when I was 19). It does not stop there. A hard working fetish model can make $3000 in their first month in Tampa, and that’s without getting naked. They can’t make that much every month, because there just aren’t enough producers here to hire every month, but $3000 can certainly be fresh start for someone who is financially and socially fucked.

One of the first models I hired, “Kelly Rockstone," was my neighbor at the time. She had recently left a very scary relationship in a fast and necessary way. She packed a bag and her daughter overnight and moved. She spent everything she had on her security deposit and first month’s rent at her new place, and had no money for her other bills or needs. She still had a daughter to feed, and was considering prostitution on backpage when she found my ad for fetish models. She was literally crying while typing an ad on backpage to sell her ass for the first time ever when she saw my ad for non nude fetish models. I’m not knocking or judging prostitution. I’m certainly not above it. I am saying some people just can’t handle it emotionally, but are still desperate enough to do it. Selling one’s ass on backpage with no experience can also be really dangerous, and it is i*****l in my state.

"Kelly" called me at 2 AM and came over. We made a deal. I paid her $2000 (which was everything I had in the bank, kinda risky, but it worked out) to be a non nude model on my new clip store for 30 short clips. It was not easy work, but it was legal, it was safe, and it was within her emotional limits. It was also cash at 2AM that helped feed her daughter, pay her phone bill, and get her enrolled in nursing school.

(Kelly Rockstone pictured above, right after she read her first script of weird kinky stuff to say on camera, still keeping it sexy)

While we were shooting her clips, she got more and more interested in “this weird fetish stuff" and ended up having a blast. She started saying things like, “I’ve always wanted to do a guy in the butt with a dildo… can we do that next?"

(Kelly Rockstone pictured above on the second night, embracing her inner-freak)

A few long and kinky nights later, her 30 clips were done. She had made $2000 in about 15 hours of work. She never worked in porn again. I checked in with her 3 months later. She was in love with a nice man, she was a full time nursing student, and she seemed really happy. Stuff like this happens all the time in Tampa. "Kelly" never had to do i*****l things to earn money. She is now a tax paying buyer of goods and services in my city’s economy.

I made about $3000 in one month on the content I shot with Kelly. I paid a few bills, and spent $2200 on more models. The next month I made about $5000. I bought a better camera, more kinky outfits, paid my bills, and spent another $2200 on models. 2 years later, I now spend an average of $4000 per month on models. I don’t make that much money. I pay myself a little, invest some in developing my websites, buying computer stuff, and buying new costumes. The rest goes straight to models, straight back into the economy.

Porn is different from most businesses, because it is typically run by obsessed perverts like me. I don’t have hobbies. I don’t take vacations. I eat, I sleep, I workout, and I pay models to make porn with me. I love my girlfriend, my cats, and my family, and I love making porn. The more money I make, the more I spend on making more porn. It has become a part of my basic instincts. Maybe it always was an instinct, and I just have a way to act it out now. I am not capable of obtaining wealth, or building some kind of trust fund that would only come in contact with overly privileged people. Sometimes I wish I were, but the truth is, I will always be a pervert who spends all his money on fetish models and making kinky movies. I cannot stop. I do not care.

Most of my friends are not in porn. They are nurses, waitresses, lawyers, salesmen… They are good people who work hard, and they struggle every day to make ends meet. Even the lawyer. My buddy graduated with a JD, and and LLM (which is a lot of work) at the top of his class. He entered the work force with over $200,000 in student loan debt hanging over his head. That’s on top of the townhouse he bought 5 years ago (that everyone he respected assured him was a good investment) which is now worth $100,000 less than he owes on it. It took him months to find a job. When he did, it was in another city. He had to move his wife and himself, and keep the shitty upside-down townhouse that no one wants to rent… Meanwhile, anyone who can follow basic directions and dress up well, can jerk a dick and/or just talk dirty on camera and make more than him in a day without getting naked.

If there is a message in my rant, it is this: YOU ARE WELCOME TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF WHEN YOU SPEND A COUPLE DOLLARS ON KINKY PORN. I know not everyone pays for porn. Most people steal it. It’s a lame reality of how lazy we are. I will not take space or time to try to fight that. I will fight your self-doubt. If you are a person who pays for porn, please feel good about it. You are helping people a lot more than you know. You are a good person. I know how hard it is to have kinks and quirks that are not welcome to be spoken about in public. That is what fetish porn is for. Embrace it. Go to sleep with a smile after you cum to some kinky stuff you just bought and downloaded. If you bought a clip for $5.99, you just helped fund a small business who in turn is funding the economy. You just kept a porn model’s lights on and fed her k**s. You probably helped her pay for her school. She may be your doctor one day. You are a good person :)
Published by LucyHart
10 years ago
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I proudly pay for it ! thank you for sharing your experience and the way you ws feeling it, you look like my friends, and people I love. So it is refreshing to kwons I could pay content to someone who could be a friend.
Good post, i feel the same spent a lot of money on porn, the models deserve it
goog mam
Great post, keep doing the good work.
really interesting. keep up with the good work
Bravo ! This is an excellent point few think about and I am glad that I am trying to capitalize on my own perviness being a c/d model and doing much the same you are doing! Good work!!
Makes one think...
Wow, that was definitely one of the more interesting blog posts I've read! Agreed..
Brilliant. You're a great bloke. (English compliment)
Truth of life..
Interesting post. It makes my outlook much different on fetish porn that is for sure. Thanks for sharing, Lance.
Lance, thank you so much for this insightful post. You've opened my eyes to a side of this industry I never really considered before, and I just felt compelled to comply and commend you and your efforts. Keep up the good work! We've all still got boners that need satisfying. :wink:
great post Lance. Your clips are amazingly hot (the hjs, stockings, leggings, t&d; not into the bi stuff but that's cool too :smile:
I have fantasies about producing porn, i have specific ideas about what is hot and real gripes about 'professional' porn.
You are my hero for going out and doing it. Rock on !