One take on Cuckolding

One take on Cuckolding

Why this title, why this theme, why from me?

As some will already know, I make no secret of it - I'm happily in an IR-relationship. I have been an "exclusively for Black Men" girl for nearly 4 years now, and love it still like the first day. It's not that I despise or hate white guys, I don't. My Daddy is a white guy, and even though he won't talk to me no more, I don't hate him either. I don't hold a grudge against white men, or my own race for that matter. I don't think some of those disgusting thoughts I see around here of "breeding out my heritage/race", I like being who and how I am. I'm a white girl, I was born such and will die as such. My own offspring, while they may be dark on the outside, do have 50% of their genes and blood from me, I can't help that - it's how it works. I definitely don't want to degrade or humiliate any white guys, I have no reason to. Though perhaps, the way I do currently feel about white men, is perhaps worse than if I did hate them - total indifference when it comes to anything sexual. Yep, I just don't care for white boys anymore.

It's not their fault, it's not my fault, it's not anyone's faul. It's just a fracking preference.
Some of you men prefer blondes, others redheads. Do we brunettes get on your case because of your preference? Not really, but I constantly get bad rep because of my preference for African Men. It doesn't mean I drool after every African male there is - there are quite a few I don't care about. Just like a redhead-lover probably doesn't get a stiffy for every Ginger he sees. I love black men, I'm in a relationship with a black man, you can't really comand your heart can you?

But all that would probably be worthy of it's own post and title. So let's get back to that cuckolding issue, shall we?

I'll admit I, I have no direct experience regarding the Cuckolding-life/scene/whatever. I also have to say, for most parts, I find the thought utterly repulsive, or in other words it often makes my lunch and the dinner from the evening before come up. Thing is, even though I'm clear about being in a fullfilling IR-relationship, I do get constantly pestered by the wannabe-cuckies. If it had been 1 or 2 every 6 months or so, perhaps I could even have a laugh about it. Unfortunately, though, that's not the case. There are way to many, a lot saying the same things, and it just isn't my sort of thing. Also there are parts of it that I can't understand, it just fails my humble intelligence and meager comprehension skills.

Now, I would like to say one word of warning: what I will be writing about soon, is not about those "Cuckolding" relationships which might come out of an already consolidated relationship/marriage, which might be more akin towards the Swinging Lifestyle, and where the cuckolding was not present when the relationship formed, but developed somehow during that relationship, for whatever reasons there might be such as perhaps wanting to "spice up" the sex life, etc. etc. etc.

What I want to write about, and what fails my comprehension, regards relationships which are supposed to start with the Cuckolding already defined as a condition for that relationship. It is within this idea, propagated mostly by the wannabe-cucks, which I don't understand.
Oh, now don't get me wrong, I can - to a certain extent - understand it from the Cuckie's point-of-view. I see how it can be that he wants this type of relationship. Somehow it's comprehensible. What constantly fails me is why on Earth would any self-respecting woman want to get into a relationship with someone who she: a) does not love; b) does not care for; c) does not want to have sex with; d) probably will not have fullfilling sex with.

Now from the messages of wannabe-cuckies that I get, I can say that they can be divided into a few groups:
1) the repressed/hidden homosexual, who does not want to admit it to themselves that they are in fact homosexual;
2) the white guy suffering from some sort of inferiority complex - most likely due to his penis size, and/or of what he sees from the porn industry and believes the fantasy to be reality;
3) the guy who feels guilt over wrongs that he believes his ancestors/fore-fathers have perpetrated on the black man in the past, and wants to pay reparations;
4) either a mixture of some, or all, of the above, or something completely different - such as it being just another fetish; seeing it as something transgressive, or being an outright misogynist and hoping/wishing that "the black man" will do the dirty work for him in destroying a girl, or still a lot of other stuff I couldn't really say now.

Earlier I said it's understandable as to why the wannabe-cuckie wants to be a cuckie. If you look at the first 3 groups I mentioned, you can see some of their motives.
The homosexual in self-denial, wishes to use the cuckoldress in order to get closer to the men he himself wishes to service (sexually). He might profess that it's not so, and that it's all about her and that he is 100% straight, but that the black man is just far too "superior". He might also live under the (self-)delusion that the BBC is something abstract. He wants to convince himself that he is only sucking/licking a superior thing (or taking it up his pooper), and that if he licks another man's spunk out of a girls pussy, he's not really eating another man's sperm since it has been mixed with girl-juices. He does not want to recognize the plain and simple fact that a BBC is nothing more than the penis of a male specimen belonging to the Human species. The things these guys want to do, are homosexual acts, not necessarily something wrong, but call it what it is and don't be delusional about it.
A word might also be said about the supposed superior black man, who allows a white cuckie to blow his cock or sticks it up that dude's poop-chute. You're not "superior" if you do that, but you are just as gay! - Again, not necessarily wrong - though it doesn't have to be my sort of thing - but for the Gods of Kobol, will you call things by their name? An orange is called an orange, and an apple is an apple after all.

I find it highly offensive - towards me as a female - when some wannabe-cuckie tells me, amongst the reasons he lists on "why having him as a cuckie would be positive/of interest for me", that he could: "prepare the BBC for me" - "clean the BBC for me - after it has fucked my brains out" and things on this line. This is/can be offensive for a number of reasons. Basically the dude is telling me: "I'm not a worthy enough female to give oral pleasure to my Man". Or perhaps he wants to insinuate that "I'm to fracking lazy to properly service my Man".
Now if it were a black guy, requesting from me that I watch while another guy goes down on him, he too would be telling me that "I'm not good enough at giving head"; "don't turn him on, while at the same time another dude does turn him on". Either I'm completely inept at going down orally, and/or the guy is gay. Needless to say, personally, I couldn't be in a relationship with any man, who requires another man to do for him / give him the pleasure what/that I should be giving him.

Regarding the wannabe-cuckie belonging either to the "inferiority complex" or "guilt" faction, the motives are also relatively easy to understand, and somewhat more acceptable for me. He basically feels that he is not capable of giving sexual pleasure to a woman, yet he does not wish to live his entire life alone. He sees this sort of life-style as his only possibility of being in a meaningful relationship. One subdivision in these categories, is the guy who just needs some affection, and hopes that even if he does not get direct sexual satisfaction, the cuckoldress will still in a certain way provide him with companionship. Another subdivision within this category is that of a guy with masochistic tendencies. He actually enjoys being humiliated and degrated, it pumps blood into his lil' wee-wee. He hopes that the cuckoldress who becomes very submissive towards her black lovers, will be extremely dominant towards him - the cuckie - that not only does she impose on him to know of her sexual escapades, allowing him not to touch her, and wishes for nothing more than that she lock his lil thing into a cock-cage, treating it as if it were some dangerous anymal (honestly why lock those innocous little things up? It's not like they can do any harm).

So perhaps, considering all that (and I'm sure there are a lot more aspects to it) it does explain in parts as to why the (single) wannabe-cuckie wants to enter into a cuckolding relationship right from the onset. Yet, I still fail to see any need for a woman, in the year 2013, to enter into a relationship already with the idea of cuckolding that partner.
I keep on asking some of these wannabe-cuckies on why in the name of the Gods would I want or need to get into a cuckolding relationship, a few of the answers are along the following lines:
* "I can cook your meals for you (and your lovers)" - so you're telling me I can't cook for myself? Or that I'm a lazy bitch who won't cook a meal for herself or a real man?
* "I can keep the house clean" - so again, I as a grown woman, am incabable of cleaning after my own mess? Or perhaps I'm just to much of a slob? Or to cheap to hire a maid, if I got that money.
* "I can watch/raise the little ones" - I'm a horrible raven momma, who won't bond with her offspring? Or, instead of caring for them, I go out all the time to party? If it's occasional outings, you're saying I can't get a normal babysitter? Or that eventually my sys'es/cousins/mom, can't watch 'em for a couple of hours? There are tons of single moms who juggle it all in some way. There's no need for cuckie to "graciously" come along.
* "I can find you black guys to have sex with" - if I'm that fugly and off-putting to not be able to find my own fuck-buddies, then shoot me.
* "I can give you a fullfilling sexual life, because I would share you" - uhm, so I can't have a fullfilling sexual life, by just finding guys to have sex with, without having the ball-on-a-chain drag of a relationship with cuckie, a relationship with someone I don't care about, who doesn't turn me on, and who I don't have sex with?
* "Black guys won't share their women, I will" - uhm... somehow ties in to the previous, and is also utterly meaningless.
* "I can provide for you" - so in 2013, I as a woman am still dependant on what a white guy hands me down. I can't work and earn my own money to make a living. And there are no black guys with decent paying jobs anywhere in the world. You don't think that I could get together with a good black guy?
* "You can keep me as your guy in public" - so in 2013 it's still necessary for me to have an official white boyfriend/husband? And no one would notice that we have dark-skinned little ones? At that point, I'd be considered even worse of a slut, than if I were a single mom of black kyds or if I were in an IR-relationship... But you, oh you would be considered in such a positive light wouldn't you? You would be pitied and everyone would feel sorry for you that your girlfriend/wife cheated on you with black guys, no? And how magnanimous would you be that even with all my faults and shortcomings, you still decide to stick with me. You don't throw my sorry ass out on the street for having 'cheated' on you, since your friends and fam don't know that in reality you were watching/listening and all the time beating off to it. You still care for me and even the offspring of infedelity even though I have fallen from public grace. - Really? Do you really think that? It makes me want to puke.
* then there's those things that were already covered when I talked about the repressed-homosexual wannabe-cuckies. Relating to that still though is also,
* "I can clean you after your lovers have left their spunk all over/in you" - uhm, ok... so you seem to love cum even more than I do... still the thought of a guy eating another guys cum? To me it's off-putting. Not my kind of stuff, perhaps for someone else, but not for me.

How is it that I chose to talk about this topic in such a lengthy post today? Well, I'll be honest with you guys. I have not only been getting pestered with messages by the wannabe-cuckies, but somehow the topic had come up also while chatting with some black guys. So, I had been thinking and today while waking up, a thought hit me, and I went heureka with a little light-bulb glowing over my head (well ok, not really, but you get the image).

I somehow came to a solution, an explanation, something that would make the whole "cuckolding" more understandable for me, as to why a girl like me, would ever get herself into such a situation. After all, I love black men - real Men. I don't like wimpy men, I want manly men. Though I'm quite certain that there are still a few manly white men around (somewhere hidden from public view), I have found a higher incidence of the dominant, self-confident, male within the black community. Also, I'm honest about it, black men just turn me on more. I'm attracted to black guys, and I am currently in a stable relationship with a Ghanaian Man. It will most definitely not be me, who will end this relationship, and I hope it will continue on for a long time to come (and to cum). My older sys, is happily married to a black man. Personally I don't know if I'm ready for marriage yet - or ever. Right now, at almost 20 years of age, I just don't feel like doing that step yet. I'm happy in my relationship the way it is.

So, what's this solution that hit me this morning, right after I woke up?
Well, to be honest I couldn't really dwell on it much, at least not right away. I first had my morning "duties" to absolve. I had to wake-up my Man - meaning I gave him head to which he gently awakens. Though he might awaken gently, once awake, passion and lust overtakes the guy, and more often than not I end up on all fours, as he happily pounds away either in my dripping wet pussy, or busting open my bum. After a shower, taken together, to be fresh and clean for the day, and serving him his breakfast, him leaving for work and me left to do some chores around the house, I could again think about this idea that hit me this morning.

Besides loving my Man, and having a preference and attraction towards black African men, I'm also somewhat of a submissive. Actually, I'm very submissive towards my Man, or how I usually call him, my Master. I enjoy serving and servicing him, I adore him and love it that he is so very capable in his way of dominating me. I just couldn't imagine being together with someone who isn't self-confident and dominant. It would be bitterly frustrating and humiliating to be together with someone who is submissive themself. I truly hope to never have to go through such a relationship. I know I will do my best to avoid it at all costs.

Again, I think I might be trailing away from what I actually thought of this morning. How could a woman get herself into a relationship with a wannabe-cuckie? How can one from the onset be together with someone you intend to "cheat" on? How can someone who is submissive get into a relationship with someone else who is submissive themself? How can a sub dominate another sub? Well, as I said, I somehow got to something that somehow would render it understandable to me.

That is, it could be ordered/required of the white woman, from her black Dom.
- I know, at this point you're probably going WTF? - I know I was when I first thought of this. You're like, "why would the superior black Man, want that his white slut get into a relationship with a cuckie?".
Now, let us exclude the possibility that the black Man would be a repressed gay himself, in which case I would dump him quicker than you can think of saying "ah". So, why would a dominant straight black man, wish for his submissive white girl to start a relationship with a wimpy, pathetic example of a white cuckie male? The possible reason I came up with: "to teach the girl a lesson / to humiliate her."
- Again, at this point you're thinking "uhm... right, to humiliate her, when she has all the power to humiliate and ridicule that white boy". But hang in with me just a bit longer. Though, let me also speak a bit of warning, the following might be deemed as racial-domination, something that not everyone agrees with.

Reasons why a white girl would be humiliated / taught a lesson by being required to enter a cuckolding-relationship:
* it could make it very clear to her, that her black Dom is being extremely kind, for taking her and giving her sexual pleasure every now and then. If he wouldn't do so - she would only be able to be with a white guy - such as her cuckie - who can't give her the satisfaction that her black Dom gives her. He is being gracious by dedicating time and attention on her, and she should be very thankful towards the black Dom for doing so, or else it would be an extremely frustrating life with the wimpy white hubby.
* it could be a constant reminder to her of where she comes from, of the inferiority of herself, hubby and through proxy - her parents.
* it places before her eyes of what a desperate bitch in heat she truly is. Cheating on her significant-other constantly to get the sex she needs.
* there is no hiding her sluttiness from the world at some point. Her black Dom will see to it that she will get a dark bun in her oven (quite possibly multiple times). After approximately 9 months, it will be clear for the entire world to see - that is not the result from her relationship with the cuckie, while it might be somewhat more acceptable to be a single mom, or in an IR-relationship, having the results of her cuckolding actions be presented to the world, to her friends, co-workers, and fam makes it clear of the whore she truly is.

So, why would this cuckoldress be so humiliating, demeaning, degrading, domineering and just outright bitchy towards the poor cuckie?
* not because she is born that way, or because she enjoys it. The reason would be, because the relationship with the cuckie would be a very frustrating, unsatisfactory one. Over time her frustration, her despising of that weak wimp of a "partner" she has, would have her lash out against him. While she might wish for him to just man up, she knows that he is not capable of doing so. If it were not for the goodwill of her black lovers and doms to satisfy her, the life with cuckie would be all she has, and that is a truly frightening though.

I honestly hope to never have to find myself in such a relationship with a cuckie, to me it would be like pure hell on earth. - For others it might work out wonderfully.
Again, I reiterate, these thoughts do not concern or talk about relationships that started off in a "normal" way, and where then a cuckolding element has arisen. It only regards relationships which would be founded upon the idea that cuckolding be a central element of that relationship.

Personally I prefer to be coherent. I love black guys, I'm in a relationship with a black guy. - I have no need (or desire) to be in a relationship with a cuckie.

Published by AlyMelny
11 years ago
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cum to daddy babe 😘
Remember that a lot of white women don't want white men to be really masculine.
most IR relationships I've directly seen involve the black guy exploiting the white girl's money, using her affections to get her money. yummy
I just wanted to say I agree with you in both points. I think that AlyMelny's thinking (ie "real men are men who are just how I like them" sort of thing) is consequence of her age at the time of the original post.
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No offense but that was cliché af lol. It's funny tho cause eventhough I was raised by women and taught how to be man by women (and a few men), and what I was taught differs from what most women expect. I think it's because most women don't know what it's like to be a man so they pick and choose what they like and say that's what a man is (ie the man instead of a man).

There's a lot more to being a man than having confidence and knowing when to be aggressive. We have to be respectful of our elders (eventhough some may not be respectful of us). We have to be gentle towards women (eventhough some aren't gentle towards us). We have to protect, provide, and be there for the people we care about. And the list goes on.

I'm not trying to shit on you or anything like that. It's just I find that women tend to want this mythical superman but I don't think many understand the complexities of being a man. I seriously don't know what women mean by being aggressive either. I know it doesn't mean fighting tho cause most, if not all, women hate it when men fight.

Srry didn't mean to write this much. It's just funny to me how when men don't live up to the standards some women have in their heads then we're not men we're boys. But if I were to say that every woman that has to rely on their spouse is not a woman but a lil girl then I'll be labeled a misogynist. Gotta love these double standards.
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Well that's quite a complicated matter. One reason that you will never get a consistent answer from us, is that it can be different for everyone.

A real man has to be a man who knows what he wants, who isn't burdened down by insecurities, who can be aggressive when it is called for, but who also knows when it isn't.
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Btw I forgot to ask what do you mean by "real man". A lot of women say that shit but none of their answers be consistent. Some want aggressive men, some want tricks, and others want punks. So what is a "real man" to you?
Keeping it 100 I always found cuckolding (and to an extent BBC lovers) hella racist and lowkey gay. It's all based off the notion that a white woman shouldn't be with a black man. I mean gosh what would their parents think if they brought a nigga home? lol They truly believe that they're breaking society's ruled by fucking us (sad part is they kinda are); but that in itself is racist cause they're still not looking at us as equals but sex objects.

No offense but you seem like a cool girl Alyna and to keep it 100 I would try to holla at you but you have a man and kids and I'm not mature enough for that rn. But with that being said I would love to talk to you sometime so feel free to send me a PM if you ever feel like talking
nice article , I can tell u are an over thinker which is a good thing in my book
but i disagree these

1- It seems like u can somehow feel it's okay to be in cuck relationship if you started a relationship normally and then things kinda turned that way , I can't share ur thoughts really , if someone isn't happy with their partner they should leave them , and yes i realize the complications and it is just not that simple and stuff , but still

2- u just insulted every race that's not black at least in my point of view u did when u said "Though I'm quite certain that there are still a few manly white men around (somewhere hidden from public view " you see what u saying here the majority of white men are not manly or men or w.e , and even tho i am not a white one but still i see it as offensive and i totally realize that u made some exceptions , but i don't see it enough . u are talking about a whole community , father's son's cousin's uncles' friend's .....etc , u cant just say there are a few out of these are worth of calling men , it means if u aren't insulting me then u are insulting the rest who happen to fall under one of these categories to me , i would've accepted if u just said cucks not worthy of being called men

anyway , nice article , well written and thanks for the effort in it
well, I have to say that is the most unique and intriguing post I've read on here, especially considering it came from a 20 year old woman.
Interesting. I wasn't aware of the tension between cucks and black-owned white women. I see more similarities than differences between both groups. But then again I have a different perspective as a black man. What can a cuck offer a white woman who's already dating a black man? Nothing significant except for just some role play. Your article reminds me of another article where a famous dom (bdsm) said he doesn't like subs. Everyone was taken by surprise but his reason made some sense. He said subs derive pleasure from being dominated. He didn't enjoy dominating someone who enjoyed being dominated. He prefers dominating someone who refuses to be dominated. It was controversial at the time because some said it sounded like rape but he had a good reputation so the rape accusations just faded away.
Many wanna be cucks wonder what it would be like to be a woman. They may have (and enjoy) feelings of inferiority re: size. Often times they ARE small; saying they WEREN'T would be fantasy. They may be quite masculine away from the bed (e.g., loggers, miners, fisher MEN) and are frankly bored with this. I know I'm not apologizing - lol
You said you reject the explanation of wanna-be cucks that they just want to suck on/clean up/get fucked by BBC because its superior, and that if they say this they're secretly gay. But then how do you explain cucks like me, who have absolutely NO attraction to cocks of any other race? If we were gay we'd certainly like at least some men of other races right? But we don't, because they don't have the superiority of the Blacks. They don't have the natural sexual dominance which can make us submit and enjoy servicing them.
Alymelny, i think with this post you prove to be smarter than many other women i see on this site with your preferences. Yes, this whole cuckold thing is disgusting and pathetic. They should be ashamed calling themselves men, giving away the ones they love, paying for someone who doesnt love them back, getting humiliated for their racial background; MY background as well! Love between races would be much more accepted if many people would stop making such a fuss about it. Its a preference, nothing more. Dont believe in racial stereotypes cause many are wrong. Its about the person.
Again though- to qualify something: I am basically bisexual and even have a loving 'baby-boy' too, but the two themes do not mesh.
Only read half-way. A lot to think on, and that puts a lot on my mind. I will read more, and continue comments if you don't object.
The homosexual aspect is certainly true too. I often get messages from guys (black mostly, or sometimes odd whites) that have an assumption of me having a submissive nature and will play by the ir/cuck script. I amuse myself NOT doing so!
As suggested, I feel a close sexual-match with 'sluts', mainly white (though often foreign) girls. I think it just works out best if we both have an adventurous personality...

We all know the socio-cultural issues of race. A common line is "once you go black, you'll never go back!". But I think more significant socially is the normal white-male statement of "once you go black, WE DON'T WANT you back!"

Conversely... I oddly find a girl with black exes as having an apparently adventurous spirit. And with other white guys uninterested, it cuts down the competition!
Damn hamster... Doesn't seem like my first comment posted. Maybe it was too long? I will post in segments.

But basically, I think it is partially an effect of the industry and society. I am glad you raised the topic of sexual interests at the beginning, as that sets the stage well.
*to explain something from my earlier comment:

I like 'sluts' for a particular and not-sexual reason, or maybe two. The first is that I see them as beutiful in ways I think other men refuse to, but also because I feel too dirty to date 'nice', 'innocent' women. I have dated two virgins, and not for short times... but I always felt wrong trying to connect too strongly to them, and suffered many mixed-feelings from trying. I never 'deflowered' either and I am proud of the fact.
Alot of talks .. most of it is pointless
i get this quite a lot on here to, men wanting to be with me & be a cuckold husband, they ask this without even noticing that i am already married to a black man, why would i want to be with a man that could either not satisfy me or want to, i cannot see that i would get anything out of this in fact the opposite, the white guy would, he would be seeing in-front of him what he watches on sites like this, ok i would be getting a nice black man to enjoy/service but being married or in a relationship with a black man means that i do not need to have to put up with the white guy issues that they all seem to have, why would i want to lay in bed next to a white cuck that is just dreaming about seeing me being fucked by some black stud, when i can lay in bed being fucked by a big black stud every single night.

they also go on about wanting to have me bred by black men, but that would cause more problems i would think, being married to a black man cause no problems when people see me with my two mixed children, when i am out with them & my husband they can see we have had children, when people see me on my own with them they can see that i am a white women that has been fucked & bred by a black man, but walking down the street with a white man & two mixed children will cause problems.

when people see me with my children they must know surely that i have given myself completely to a black man, the only people more important to me than my husband are my children.
Good post Aly!
Those Cuckie-White-Boys sure are a pathetic bunch!
You definitely don't need 'em.

Keep enjoyin' yourself Baby Girl the way you are.
Again Ally,very well said.