The Family Ranch - Chapter 3

The Family Ranch - Chapter 3

Wendy and her sister, Marti, woke up with their hangovers gone and the dildo still between their legs. They spent the next couple of hours laughing intermittently about it as if they were still school girls. They took a walk around the ranch grounds near the house, talking about all the things they used to do as k**s and how much times had changed and how much the ranch had changed. It had grown from a modest homestead to a large business enterprise. They knew their father had laid the foundation for all that was now in existence, but they also knew it was their mother who had the vision and the business acumen to make it a reality. They loved their mother, major flaws and all. She could be intimidating and sometimes overbearing, but she had a zeal for life - especially fucking - and there wasn't too many limits where that was concerned. She would never intentionally hurt anyone or do wrong to anyone and she sure as hell wouldn't put up anyone doing so to her. She was mostly a loving woman and wanted to share her zest for life with those around her, especially her family.

As the two reached a hilltop, they noticed a rather large barn in a valley one hill farther to the south. It looked like the other barns, but there were a few cars parked in front of it and it appeared to have its own access road from the county road rather than through the ranch complex like all the others. They noted it seemed a bit odd, but gave it little more than a passing thought. Their conversation turned to the future, particularly the future of the ranch since mom was not exactly a young woman anymore. They both talked about being tired of meandering through their own lives and relying too much on their trust fund to finance their lack of direction or ambition. They wanted their two k**s to have some plans and they admitted to each other that they needed to set a better example and encourage them to have a plan for themselves. Then they wondered what was so important that their mother had insisted on a meeting with them after dinner that evening. Of all the things they talked about, neither brought up their encounter the night before with the other's offspring. Both found the thought enticing, erotic, and invigorating, but both were afraid to bring it up for reasons they didn't fully understand. They trusted each other on everything else, but when it comes to another's k**s, things can get dicey pretty quick and so they left it alone. Marti had every intention of fucking Jason when the time seemed right and Wendy wanted to explore further what she could not remember with Susie from the night before. All she had was a vague impression of what happened and she wanted more.

Like the evening before and like every evening thereafter would probably be, cocktails were served at 6:30 and dinner planned for 7 pm. This evening, however, Marti and Wendy agreed they would keep the cocktails to singular, not plural. A meeting with a mother like theirs when you are half pasted is not a good plan and they knew it.

Jason and Susie had enjoyed spending a good part of the day in the pool, wandering through the barns, studying the horses and talking with some of the ranch hands about their daily routine. Both seemed to have a genuine interest in the ranch and its operations. Most of the grooms were women and they treated the horses like their c***dren. The women had a bunk house of their own. Ruth told them that they should feel free to have anyone - other ranch hands or other guests - in their bunk house whenever they liked but also had the authority to keep anyone out if they did not like the advances made in their direction. All Ruth asked of them was that they come to her first if there were any accusations of something sordid and unappreciated. Ruth had also put the fear of death in every man on the ranch regarding how they interacted with any woman on the property. She didn't care if they spent every spare minute of their free time fucking the women or each other for that matter, but it had better all be consensual or she would castrate them before turning them over to the sheriff. They knew she meant it and had the loyal staff to make it happen. In all the years of a mixed workforce, there had never been an issue.

To call the living quarters for the men and the women did not do justice to their arrangements. There were four large, fully equipped houses with enough space for everyone to have their own bedroom, and they had their own staff there to handle their cooking and laundry. Ruth made sure they had everything they needed taken care of except for their groceries and clothing. It was a pretty sweet gig for those who worked there and they were well paid even before considering the housing provided. As a result, the only ones who left did so when they retired. Otherwise they were considered professionals at what they did and had no reason to leave. Every single one of them would do anything for Ruth. They didn't necessarily feel that way about her son, Ron, but they rarely had to work with him.

As Marti and Wendy were walking back to the ranch house, they saw their mother driving her truck up the drive, apparently coming from the large, independent barn they wondered about earlier. Both of them got a chuckle out of their diminutive mother driving around in her 4-door truck, given it was big enough to accommodate a team of six men. She greeted them as she got out.

"You ladies have a good afternoon? Feeling better?" she asked with a knowing grin on her face.

"Just fine, momma, you?" responded Marti.

"As good as can be expected, considering I haven't had time to get laid today," she said with a hearty laugh.

"I'm sure you will resolve that little problem before you go to bed tonight," said Wendy, shaking her head.

"Not likely, today, k**do. I have a couple of crews out on perimeter duty this week and the only man available that I am aware of is Jason. And I ain't sure he is actually available."

Wendy hadn't thought about her mom diddling Jason, but now that she mentioned it, she figured it was only a matter of time. Mati snorked involuntarily at her mom's comment and Wendy shot her a half-hearted warning look. They both knew their mom had been fucking their brother for more than 20 years. They doubted anyone else knew that, but then their mom fucked about whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. It was probably a rare man that would walk away from her offer to help them bury their bone.

Ruth, her daughters and grandk**s all enjoyed a couple of drinks before dinner and mostly made small talk. Susie mentioned how wonderful the pool was and had plans to enjoy it again that evening while the "adults" had their meeting. Jason said nothing about his plans, but it was assumed he would join her.

"The evening is the best time to use the pool, Susie. You can skinny dip in the evening and no one will notice unless you want them to. I like to occasionally tan by the pool late in the afternoon bare ass naked. I hate tan lines. So if you don't want to see my bare everything, avoid the pool in the late afternoon. If you show up and I am there tanning, I assume it is because you want to see what I wear under my clothes." Ruth was full of comments like that and it always got a few laughs. She didn't hide much from anyone, including her bare everything if that was on her agenda at the time. More than once, she had put lead in the pencils of her hired help when they came by the pool to get her approval while tanning. She made no effort to cover herself up and they made no effort to avoid looking at her.

Dinner was served on time and mostly all the noise heard was the clinking of glasses, scr****g of plates, and occasional, "please pass the..." Wendy and Marti were wondering independently what the meeting would be about and Jason and Susie were planning to skinny dip in the pool, hoping for more than just getting wet. Ruth was content to scan the dinner table and enjoy the companionship of her family.

As dinnertime came to a close, Jason and Susie went to their rooms to get towels for their evening at the pool. The kitchen staff cleared the table and graciously accepted all of the compliments on the fine meal they had prepared. Ruth suggested her daughters join her in the den for easy access to drinks while they had their meeting. Ruth was very congenial and acted like the meeting was no big deal, just a general discussion or sort of a "state of the family" kind of discussion. She closed the doors to the den and everyone fixed themselves their favorite adult beverage. Wendy and Marti avoided the brandy.

"First," started Ruth, "I can't tell you how much it means to me that you both agreed to come spend a few weeks here with me this summer. I have missed you both and I want you and your k**s to have an awesome time. You shouldn't want for anything. Just say the word, and someone will make sure it either happens or gets purchased. Second, I don't want you to think that I coaxed you here to spring something on you. At the very least, I want it to be a relaxing vacation for you and at most...well...we will see."

Wendy took a larger than average sip of her drink and Marti lit a cigarette. Both were now expecting the hand grenade under their chairs.

Meanwhile, Jason and Susie walked down the stairs from their room with only a towel in hand. Jason wore his around his waist, showing some bit of modesty. Susie, on the other hand was as bold as could be and walked down the stairs in front of him with her towel simply hanging over one arm. He watched her fine ass sway with each step down the stairs and his cock started to part the hems in the towel he wore and was peeking out looking for that ass that had aroused its owner. The kitchen supervisor was an elderly man who took a moment to admire the scenery as Susie walked by the dining room on her way outside. The old man smiled, shook his head and started to turn for the kitchen when he noticed Jason's homing beacon dialed in on the woman in front of him. That just made the old man laugh out loud, causing Susie to turn to see what was so funny. She looked back at Jason and then down at his crotch, then she too laughed.

"Hold my hand, my dear. I think we have a promising future ahead of us this evening."

Jason took Susie's hand and they walked side by side to the pool, choosing the shaded area out of view of any windows, barns or bunk houses. Jason knew what he had planned. Susie knew what she had planned. Neither of them necessarily wanted witnesses - not even in this rather unique family.

Back in the den, Ruth carefully laid out the direction of the conversation. "I know neither of you really have had much interest in the ranch operations for the past few years. I guess you assume it all goes to your brother, Ron, at some point, but that isn't my first choice. Nothing against your brother, but I like to dream bigger than that when I can. I also am just guessing that you don't necessarily approve of certain aspects of our family life, or should I say lifestyle. So what I want to suggest is in no way an attempt to apply pressure to either of you to accomplish anything specific. Once you understand and believe that, the smoother and more productive our conversation will be..."

Jason and Susie had barely gotten wet before he gently grasped her arm and pulled her to him in the water and planted a deep kiss on her while simultaneously grabbing her ass with both hands. It may not have been his most gentlemanly gesture ever, but Susie wanted it exactly the way he gave it to her. From the time she walked in and saw him holding his large cock over her mother and her mother splattered with cum, Susie ached for a good fucking. She didn't care if the whole county showed up and bought tickets to watch, she was going to get fucked tonight. She returned the passion and grabbed Jason's ass as he had hers, forcing his cock upward and wedged between their bodies. She wrapped her legs around him as he waded out away from the pool side a few feet where the water was about four feet deep. Susie leaned backward, floating on the surface while her legs were still wrapped around Jason's waist. Her large tits stuck out of the water like two mountain islands waiting to be explored. Jason's hands began that exploration almost immediately. While he fondled her wet tits, she reached between her legs and let her hands explore the length and girth of his hard shaft. Jason responded by pulling one hand back and used his thumb to rub her clit while she tugged his rod.

In the den, Ruth continued her prelude. "I have been concerned for you both for quite some time. Not that I don't think that you can't take care of yourselves - you can. But I have sensed for a long time some discontent as if you both realize there is something missing in your lives. I don't mean men necessarily, but they are fun to have around. You both act sometimes like you are just drifting and neither of you seem to really like a life of total leisure. I get that. I don't like that either. I like to fuck more than anyone I know other than maybe you, Marti, but I also like to accomplish things. So I want to make you two an offer. You are welcome to turn me down or you are welcome to think about it as long as you are here. Your trust fund will remain intact either way and I won't be angry with you if you do say no. Disappointed yes, angry no."

Wendy and Marti were more intrigued at this point than they were nervous now. Marti lit another cigarette and they both leaned forward in their seats.

Ruth continued. "I would like you two to join Ron and I as full partners in the ranch. Your ownership would be your share of the estate, whatever that is worth when I am gone. If it is going well, you may get it sooner than that and I would be content to just be the CEO and head fucker around here. I won't bail on the ranch as long as I am breathing, but ownership of it doesn't mean that much to me any more. While I am no longer a spring chick, I ain't ready for the bone pile just yet. So this isn't any long way of announcing I am about to kick the bucket. I just want to have you two around me and you both have skills you learned from k**s here on the ranch that I could certainly put to good use."

Marti stopped her mother for a minute. "What kind of skills do you think I have to offer, mom? Wendy knows horses and cattle almost as well as dad did, but I really didn't pick up that much of it and was never interested in it that much."

"I was getting to that," said Ruth. "Yes, I want Wendy to become head of the livestock side of the business. Ron sucks at it and is more finance minded like me. I need someone I can trust to manage the livestock and breeding operations. Marti, I want you to take over all the personnel side of the business. Not any HR bullshit, just manage the staff, make sure they have all they need, and that they are content. You have good people skills. Plus, I may have another business interest outside of the cattle operations that I could use your help with, but we will save that for another time. Meanwhile, I would like to see your k**s get involved if they have any interest at all. They need goals and something to achieve and this would be a great learning environment for them."

While Ruth was sharing her interests in Jason's and Susie's future, Jason was beginning to stuff his cock in Susie's pussy with the only future he was concerned with at the moment was the two of them cumming as many times as possible that evening. He stuffed the first four inches in her in his first stroke and she let out a growl of pleasure that surely even the men on perimeter duty would have heard. Her nipples went even harder than they were before and to Jason's touch, he thought they might pop right off her mounds. By the third stroke, his cock was in as deep as it would go and he was amazed that she could take his entire length. He had only been with a couple of other girls and both made him stop a couple a couple of inches from full depth. Susie was already well on her way to her first cum. Floating in the water, relaxed and enjoying the sensation of his large, hard cock sliding in and out of her freely was quick to get her revved up. The splashing of the water as he pulled her to him and pushed her away made the sounds one would expect more from k**s splashing in the water. She was content to give him full control as she floated there getting fucked beyond her wildest dreams.

"Just so we know the whole truth, mom, what are the little hidden clauses in this arrangement?" Wendy asked with some caution. While her son was fucking her niece, Wendy was doing her best not to fucked in another way with her mother. "Are we going to have to fuck our brother once a week or some silly shit like that?"

Ruth looked disappointed. "There are no "Gotcha" clauses. And no, you don't have to fuck your brother. By the way, though, don't knock fucking the younger generation. The best sex I have ever had is with your brother. He inherited his father's endowment along with the libido to use it long and often. You ought to take that son of yours for a ride. Every woman needs a good fuck and my guess is he would be as good as any. I have seen the bulge he sports."

"Yes, we know mom. You like banging Ron. To be honest, you've never met a dick you didn't like," said Wendy.

"True. That's the benefit of having a tight pussy and a high sex drive. Four inches is enough but eight is magnificent and 10 or more is heaven on earth. So yes, I like to fuck and Ron is the best around here until I find one better. And he has other girls hanging around here, so he doesn't need your uptight pussy to feed his monster."

"I am not uptight mother. I just have never been attracted to him. That's all. I like to fuck as much as anyone. But we are getting off the subject here," replied Wendy.

"You're right. I want to make this the family business your dad and I always dreamed of and you two are talented enough to make it happen." Ruth went on to mention salaries for each of them, starting salaries for each of the k**s if they chose to join the business, and the additional benefits, some without saying, and continuation either way of their trust funds.

The meeting lasted less than and hour and both girls were actually pleasantly surprised at what their mother had to say.

"Let's wonder out to the pool and chat for a bit," said Marti, not thinking about Jason and Susie being there and what they might be doing.

As they walked along the pool's perimeter, not saying anything at first, they came up on their k**s, where Jason was close to pumping Susie full of his first load. She had already cum twice and was begging him to finish and give her tired pussy a short break. He tilted his head back, groaned and jerked in the water as he pumped several shots of thick cum inside her. Wendy and Marti watched in silence as they watched the climax of a hot sex scene.

Marti leaned over to Wendy and whispered, "tell me that made your pussy as wet as it made mine."

"Yeah. It did. I think we may both have to fuck him."

"Ooh! At the same time?" asked a hushed Marti.

"Why not? We are our mother's daughters, are we not?"

They held back out of sight and continued to watch as Susie stood in the water while Jason sat on the rim of the pool. She sucked his cock stiff again and continued to blow him for a good ten minutes. Their mothers watched the action from pool chairs just out anyone's line of vision. When Jason pulled his cock free of Susie's mouth, he stroked it quickly and plastered her face with another load of cum. When he was done, she dunked herself in the water, letting long strands of his cum float in the water around her.

"I hope your cum dissolves before they clean the pool, baby." Susie said smirking.

"It wouldn't be the first time they had to clean cum out of the water probably," said Jason dryly.

Just on the other side of a row of bushes in another alcove of the pool, Marti was going down on Wendy while fingering herself feverishly. While Jason and Susie fucked away the evening, their mothers ate their way through the evening, wishing they had a fat cock to fuck. Even Ron was beginning to look good to them.
Published by jamesmasters40
2 years ago