Question for Everyone

Question for Everyone

For those of you who read my stories, thank you. I have fun writing them. I do sometimes think I get stuck in a rut, but some of you are kind enough to send me notes of approval, letting me know you enjoy them. Sometimes a like to write short series but don't always know where it will go, so I just let it wander some on their own. That doesn't always make for good writing, but on the other hand, I am not trying to get published. Sometimes, I just get a kinky idea out of nowhere and it becomes one of my "Random Snapshots."

So here is my question: Do you prefer and enjoy the series more or do you prefer the short, one-time stories? The series can be more challenging because I don't always have a lot of time to write, which means I have to try and go back to see where I have been. But if you enjoy those, I will try to keep one series going.

If you read much of what I write, you have probably figured out that I like the females to be strong, open and unafraid to go after what they want. If the world doesn't approve of them, their attitude is "fuck you." I also like for the main characters to already have a close bond of some sort with whom they fuck. That is why often the characters are already related. It adds a kinky twist, but it offers a way to get to what you are really wanting to read more quickly. With strong female characters, I am also able to avoid the trap of the story coming across as there being some kind of unfair advantage of one person over the other. Some reluctance is one thing, the misinterpretation of the story line is another.

So if you think I am getting stale in my story telling, feel free to say so. If you like what I put out there, let me know that too. I get my rocks off writing, but if it isn't stirring your blood, there is no point of writing it to begin with.

Anyway, this isn't an attempt to draw praise or any of that shit. I just want to know if I am getting you off the way you like or if I need to change things up. Hope to hear from as many of you as will take the time to drop me a quick note.
Published by jamesmasters40
1 year ago
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I like that you take the time to develop the story , showing the emotional connections and inner love , series are good because after reading one part we can look forward to more of what will happen , 
I like both really like stories involving family
I like the series.  More time for character development.  It also makes it more believable when they experiment together as a couple.  Personally I dont think there's anything hotter than a strongly bonded couple willing to be adventuresome.
I like them both. You are a very good writer and the stories are hot
I don't understand xhamster won't let me use the same word in a comment that you use in your post 
Both, your writing stir more than my bl..d☺
I enjoy both types of your stories. All I can say is you are a very good author, so please keep up the great effort. Your efforts are appreciated by me.
I like both. They are always sonwellnwritten. Its impposible not to enjoy them
Both are amazing. 
I really do like your stories.  I like the serial stories best, but I do like the one-off's also.