February « 2012 « Space Politics

More NASA budget feedback

In a press release yesterday, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) criticized elements of the administration’s FY13 budget proposal, including the funding provided for the Space Launch System (SLS). However, unlike Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), who worried it and Orion were not getting enough money, he argued the “SLS Titanic” was getting too much. “By NASA’s […]

Congressional reelection notes

The chairman of the space subcommittee of the House Science Committee, freshman Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS), cites space as an issue as he prepares for reelection. “Being here has put me in a position to a make sure that our path back to space goes through South Mississippi, which it has always done,” he tells […]

Reactions to the NASA budget rollout

With so much attention devoted to planned cuts in planetary science funding in general, and Mars exploration in particular, much of the reaction to the budget focused on that. “The priorities reflected in this budget would take us down the wrong path,” Planetary Society CEO Bill Nye said in a statement released by the organization. […]

Few surprises, but plenty of angst, in NASA budget proposal

The NASA budget proposal released on Monday came out pretty much as expected, given the information that leaked out in the days and weeks leading up to its release. The agency overall proposes to receive just over $17.7 billion in fiscal year 2013, less than $100 million below what the agency received for 2012. There’s […]

Report: NASA getting only a small cut in FY13 budget proposal

The FY13 budget isn’t officially released until Monday morning, but Aviation Week has news about what it will contain for NASA: an overall request of $17.711 billion, or $89 million (0.5%) less than the agency’s final FY12 budget. As expected, the proposal cuts $300 million from planetary sciences, and kills the US role in the […]

More reactions to impending NASA planetary science cuts

“The Mars program is one of the crown jewels of NASA. In what irrational, Homer Simpson world would we single it out for disproportionate cuts?” So asks Ed Weiler, who retired from NASA last year after serving as the agency’s associate administrator for science, in an interview with ScienceInsider. Weiler said he decided to leave […]

Romney campaign continues to hammer away on Gingrich lunar base proposal

Earlier this week, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich spoke out against the criticism he received from fellow candidates about his lunar base proposal, chastising Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum for calling his proposal “really stupid” and expensive. “I mean, why did my two Republican competitors instinctively decide we couldn’t go into space? Because they’re cheap,” […]

Cutting back the solar system

On Monday the Obama Administration will release its fiscal year 2013 budget proposal, and NASA has its traditional budget briefing scheduled for Monday afternoon, which this year will include a “tweetup” with a handful of the agency’s Twitter followers (you can sign up through 5 pm EST today). The details about the budget are embargoed […]

A backlash against the backlash

While Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri held Republican primaries or caucuses on Tuesday, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich was not in any of those three states. Instead, he was on the campaign trail in Ohio, looking ahead to that state’s primary on Super Tuesday next month. In an appearance in Dayton yesterday, he mentioned […]

New report to quantify effects of ITAR on aerospace industry

A report expected to be released today could address one of the major obstacles to export control reform. The Wall Street Journal reports that an Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) report will quantify the effects that strict export control reforms have had on the aerospace industry since the late 1990s. According to the article, the move […]