All Catagory – News Time Worldhttps://www.newstimeworld.com Your WordsThu, 11 Aug 2022 08:57:32 +0000en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3https://www.newstimeworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-favicon-32x32.jpgAll Catagory – News Time Worldhttps://www.newstimeworld.com 3232The Beginner’s Guide to LED Grow Lightshttps://www.newstimeworld.com/the-beginners-guide-to-led-grow-lights/ Tue, 09 Aug 2022 08:46:32 +0000https://www.newstimeworld.com/?p=959In the cannabis business, LED grow lights are becoming more and more popular because they are better than traditional HID lamps in many ways. They cost a lot less to run, use a lot less energy, and give off a better quality of light. The basic principle behind LED grow lights is that they use […]]]>

In the cannabis business, LED grow lights are becoming more and more popular because they are better than traditional HID lamps in many ways. They cost a lot less to run, use a lot less energy, and give off a better quality of light.

The basic principle behind LED grow lights is that they use a series of LED chips to create light. These chips are divided into several different colors, and when turned on, they create a light that is similar to natural sunlight. However you should buy LED grow lights from a trusted brand such as Mars Hydro. 

The benefits of using LED grow lights

Increased yields

One of the many benefits of using LED grow lights is that they help plants produce more crops. LED grow lights are better than traditional lighting systems in a number of ways, such as using less energy and lasting longer. LED grow lights do more than just increase yields; they also improve plant health and make plants more resistant to environmental stress.

Decreased energy costs

The type of light used to grow plants can have a big effect on how much it costs to use energy. Most homes and businesses still use incandescent and fluorescent lights, but LED grow lights are quickly becoming more popular because they use less electricity.

LEDs use very little energy, so they can be powered by batteries or solar power, both of which have become cheaper over the past few years. This means that LED grow lights can be used not only for large-scale farming but also for smaller-scale indoor farming and even home gardening.

LEDs not only use much less energy than other types of lighting, but they also last much longer. This means that you will not only spend less on electricity each month, but you will also save money when it comes time to buy new lamps and bulbs.

Reduced pollution

LED grow lights are becoming more popular because they are better than traditional grow lights and cause less pollution. Less energy is used by LED grow lights, which saves you money on your electric bill and cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions.

They also last longer and give off less heat than traditional lights, so you can more accurately control the temperature in your garden.

No heat generation

In the past, many growers used fluorescent light bulbs to grow plants because they give off heat. But LED grow lights don’t make heat and are a better choice for people who want to avoid it.
LED grow lights use a very small amount of power, so they are also good for the environment. Also, LED grow lights tend to last longer and make less heat than fluorescent light bulbs.


The popularity of LED grow lights is due in part to their durability. LEDs emit a consistent, even light that doesn’t burn plants like traditional bulbs. This means they can last longer and require less maintenance.

Additionally, LED grow lights are cooler than incandescent bulbs, meaning they don’t create as much heat which can damage plants. But, if you want the best durable LED grow lights in the market then you should check the LED grow light collection . There you will find the best durable LED grow lights.

What are the different types of LED grow lights on the market?

There are different kinds of LED grow lights on the market right now. These include high-intensity discharge (HID) lighting, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) (CFLs).

The most popular type of LED grow light is HID lighting because it has a high level of intensity that can help plants grow faster. But this type of LED grow light is more expensive and can be hard to set up than other types.

LEDs are becoming more and more popular because they offer a good balance between brightness and price. They also tend to last longer than CFLs, which makes them a good choice for medium to large-sized grows. CFLs are still often used in small grows because they are cheap and give off a good amount of light.

Buying tips for choosing the best LED grow light for your needs

  1. It’s important to think about your needs when choosing an LED grow light.
    2. Pick a light that has the right number of watts for your plants. If the wattage is too low, the plants won’t grow well, and if it’s too high, it can damage or even burn the plants.
    3. Look for a light with the right spectral distribution. This will help your plants grow in all directions and make healthier flowers and fruits.
    4. Look for features like a timer and built-in cooling systems to make sure your plant doesn’t get too hot or have any other problems because of the light.
    5. Make sure to read the reviews of the product before you buy it, since different people have different ways of growing plants and may have had better luck with one brand of LED grow light than another.


 LED grow lights are a great choice for hobbyists, small farmers, and commercial growers who want a more efficient and affordable lighting option than HPS or MH. These lights use almost no electricity and last much longer than traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. If you want to save money on your energy bill, they are a good investment.

How To Grow Cannabis In Canadahttps://www.newstimeworld.com/how-to-grow-cannabis-in-canada/ Mon, 09 May 2022 19:45:36 +0000https://www.newstimeworld.com/?p=849Are you thinking of growing your own cannabis crop? This article will teach you everything you need to know about how to grow cannabis in Canada. What is cannabis? Cannabis is a plant that comes from the Cannabis Sativa L. family. It has been used for centuries as a medicinal and recreational drug. The leaves […]]]>

Are you thinking of growing your own cannabis crop? This article will teach you everything you need to know about how to grow cannabis in Canada.

What is cannabis?

Cannabis is a plant that comes from the Cannabis Sativa L. family. It has been used for centuries as a medicinal and recreational drug. The leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant are used to produce drugs like marijuana, hashish, and hash oil. Cannabis can also be used to make fibre, paper, food, and other products.

How to grow cannabis in Canada?

There are many ways to grow cannabis in Canada. You can grow it indoors or outdoors. You can grow it in a greenhouse or outdoors in the sun or under the shade of a tree. You can grow it using a variety of methods, including hydroponics, soil cultivation, and aeroponics.

How To Grow Cannabis In Canada

Cannabis is a highly versatile plant that can be grown in many different environments https://weedonline.cc/. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced grower, there are plenty of tips and tricks to help you get started growing cannabis in Canada. Here are some tips for growing cannabis indoors:

Choose the right container:

Start by choosing the right container for your cannabis. There are a number of different types of containers that can be used, from glass jars to soil pots. Make sure to select a container that is large enough to accommodate the size of your plants, but not too large as to be cumbersome to work with.

Choose the right light:

Next, choose the right light for your plants. Cannabis needs indirect sunlight and moderate levels of light to grow properly. If you live in a northern region, you may want to invest in a grow light kit. If you live in a southern region, you may want to opt for natural sunlight instead.

Water regularly:

Water your plants regularly – especially during the early stages of growth – to ensure healthy growth. Make sure to water deeply and allow the soil to dry before watering again. Over-watering can cause root rot and other problems with your plants.

Different Types of Growing Media

There are a few different types of growing media you can use to grow cannabis in Canada. Hydro Media is a popular option because it’s easy to set up and provides good yields. Soilless Media is an emerging medium that’s gaining popularity because it’s easy to manage, has high yields, and is environmentally friendly. Finally, there is Indoor grows which are becoming increasingly popular for their high yields and controlled environment.

Planting and Germination

There are many ways to grow cannabis in Canada, but the most common way is by planting seeds indoors and then transplanting the plants to a garden or outdoor setting once they have grown enough. There are a few different methods for germination, but all of them involve soaking the seeds in water for a certain period of time. Once the seeds have germinated, you should give them some light and water, and then place them in soil.

Controlling the Environment Around Your Plants

It is important to take care of your cannabis plants properly in order for them to produce the best yields. There are a few tips you can follow to help keep your plants healthy and productive:

  1. Keep Your Plants Cool and Dry: Cannabis plants love warm temperatures, but they also do well in cool, dry environments. If possible, try to keep your plants in a cool, dark place where they can stay relatively dry.
  2. Use a Good Soil: A good soil will provide your plants with plenty of nutrients and drainage, which will help them grow big and strong. Avoid using soil that is too acidic or too rich in clay; instead, opt for a soil that is neutral or slightly acidic.
  3. Feed Your Plants Regularly: Keep your plants well-fed with fertilizer every few weeks to ensure that they are getting the nutrients they need to grow. You can also add compost or bone meal to your water as supplemental feedings if you want to give your plants a boost in terms of growth and production.

Marketing and Selling Your Bud

If you’re looking to get into the cannabis business, there are a few things you need to know. One of the most important things is how to market and sell your bud. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

  1. Choose a good name for your business. This is one of the most important aspects of marketing and selling your cannabis. Make sure you choose a name that will resonate with potential customers.
  2. Start by advertising your business online. There are many different ways to advertise your business online, and it’s important to choose the one that will reach the largest number of people. You can use social media platforms, online directories, and even search engines.
  3. Create an attractive website for your business. A well-designed website will help you attract more customers and promote your products more effectively. Make sure you include all the necessary information on your website, such as product descriptions, pricing information, and contact information.
  4. Be prepared to offer discounts to customers who visit your store frequently. Offer discounts on merchandise, including cannabis products, in order to encourage customers to come back frequently.
  5. Serve high-quality cannabis products at affordable prices.
How To Grow Greasy Pink Strain In Canadahttps://www.newstimeworld.com/how-to-grow-greasy-pink-strain-in-canada/ Sun, 24 Apr 2022 20:12:45 +0000https://www.newstimeworld.com/?p=713Growing marijuana may seem like a complicated process, but there are many steps involved in the process and most of them can actually be made much easier by using the right tools! Check out this article to find out how you can grow greasy pink strain in Canada with ease. Greasy Pink Strain Greasy Pink […]]]>

Growing marijuana may seem like a complicated process, but there are many steps involved in the process and most of them can actually be made much easier by using the right tools! Check out this article to find out how you can grow greasy pink strain in Canada with ease.

Greasy Pink Strain

Greasy Pink is a rare and unique strain of cannabis that grows best in the mid-north of Canada. The buds are covered with a layer of crystal-like trichomes, making them look like they’re covered in greasy oil. This strain is known for its heavy resin production, as well as its strong THC levels.

If you’re looking to try out this unique variety of cannabis, be sure to check out some dispensaries in the mid-north of Canada such as Goldbuds  ( https://goldbuds.com/ ).

Growing Greasy Pink Strain in Canada

The greasy pink strain is a very high-quality hybrid indica/sativa that has a sweet taste and a strong body high. It grows well in most environments, is resistant to pests and diseases, and produces large yields. This strain is perfect for those looking for an energetic, euphoric experience.

To grow or buy greasy pink bubba strain cannabis in Canada, start with a strong foundation of soil quality. Fill a pot or container with a well-aerated mix of fresh potting soil and organic compost, then add enough water to cover the roots. Make sure the pot has good drainage and fertilize regularly with a balanced fertilizer specifically designed for cannabis plants. Keep the plant evenly moistened through watering and avoid overwatering or let the soil dry out completely. Start harvesting buds when they reach the desired size and color, usually around six to eight weeks after planting.

The Benefits of Growing Greasy Pink Strain

Greasy Pink is a very versatile strain that can produce both indica and sativa-type effects. It has a sweet, fruity taste and produces large amounts of resin. This strain is perfect for those looking for a heavy, relaxing high. It is also great for treating anxiety and depression, as it helps to reduce stress levels. Additionally, Greasy Pink is known to help improve concentration and creativity.

What to look for in a good strain

There are many factors to consider when choosing a strain of marijuana for edibles from Goldbuds.com store. To grow greasy pink weed in Canada, look for the following:

– A flowering time of around 10 weeks – This is short enough that you can still enjoy fresh cannabis flowers throughout the summer, but long enough that the buds will be dense and full-flowered.

Concluding thoughts

As someone who has been growing greasy pink strains for over a year now, I have some thoughts on how to achieve success with this type of cannabis. Here are five tips that I have found essential to growing greasy pink strains:

  1. Use high-quality genetics. The first and most important step is selecting the best genetics for your strain. Look for plants with a strong root system and dense flower coverage. This will result in heavy yields and high-quality buds.
  2. Induce plant growth indoors during the colder months. In Canada, most growers try to grow greasy pink strains indoors during the winter months when the temperatures are cooler and the light schedule is more natural. This allows you to control all aspects of your cultivation process, from seed to harvest.
  3. Breed for potency and yield. When selecting potential parents for your greasy pink strain, focus on those that produce large buds and heavy yields. This will ensure that your strain produces the highest quality products possible.