Man pleads guilty to ‘sextorting’ teen


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A 43-year-old Brandon man pleaded guilty to a “sextortion” charge after attempting to pay a 17-year-old girl for sexual services on what the Crown called a “sugar-daddy” dating website.

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A 43-year-old Brandon man pleaded guilty to a “sextortion” charge after attempting to pay a 17-year-old girl for sexual services on what the Crown called a “sugar-daddy” dating website.

Adam Matviuk, 43, pleaded guilty to luring, communicating with a minor for obtaining sexual services, extortion and criminal harassment in a court of King’s Bench courtroom on Wednesday.

After Matviuk entered his plea, Crown attorney Rich Lonstrup read the facts to court.

The Brandon courthouse on 11th Street.
The Brandon courthouse on 11th Street.

Beginning in February 2021, Matviuk, who at the time was the manager at Canadian Tire, began talking with a girl on a dating website called

The girl had advertised herself as being 18 years old, though she was actually 17.

Matviuk asked the girl to confirm her age and to provide a photograph of her identification, though the girl declined.

He sent her a photo of his genitals, later bragging about it, and the girl sent nude pictures of herself to him through Snapchat.

After the photos were exchanged, Matviuk pressed the girl about her age, and she eventually said that she was 17.

Matviuk continued to communicate with the girl, offering her $400 in exchange for meeting to have sex.

A date was arranged, but Matviuk backed out for work-related reasons.

He then reached out to the girl again, asking her to try again to meet up. The girl agreed and suggested he pay $400. However, the girl then began to express hesitancy about accepting money for sex.

According to a chronology of text messages on Matviuk’s seized cellphone, which Lonstrup filed during the hearing, after exchanging messages back and forth, the girl said she was on her period and that their meetup would have to be delayed.

A few days later, Matviuk reached out again, but the girl replied that she wasn’t interested in meeting. When he attempted to convince her, she replied, “Just take no for an answer,” and “Just leave me … alone.”

Matviuk then offered the girl $550 and messaged her, “Not taking no as an answer.”

After the girl told him to find someone else and threatened to call the police, Matviuk threatened to leak her nude photos.

Throughout March 2021, Matviuk continued to contact the girl, using an app that would change his phone number as she had blocked his number. He sent photos of cash, offered $800 for sex and continued to threaten her with releasing the photos to the public.

“I would hate to have those pictures of you get out. Imagine if your school saw those?” Matviuk wrote.

In April, he contacted her again, asking when they were getting together to have sex, and threatened to tell her parents. In June he reached out again, seeking anal sex and offering to pay money. The messages and money offers continued until October.

Lonstrup described Matviuk’s actions as reckless after he learned the girl’s true age.

“Up to a point he has his suspicions, doesn’t get ID when he asks for it,” the prosecutor said. “But even after he learns that she is 17, he presses on and keeps offering money and keeps wanting sexual contact.”

Lonstrup called the dating site the two were using — Seeking Arrangements — a “sugar-daddy website.”

“It’s not supposed to be … an actual prostitution website, but their discussions very quickly got into sex for money,” he said.

Matviuk’s lawyer, Bob Harrison, ordered a pre-sentence report for his client. A sentencing hearing is scheduled for Sept. 20 in King’s Bench.

The Seeking Arrangements website has since changed its name to, though the site has been around since 2006. According to a description on’s website, the website is a “luxury” dating site for “the wealthy, successful, and beautiful.”

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