‘Padre X’ graces the stage


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Brandon audiences enjoyed a brilliant one-man performance by actor Marc A. Moir, who brought his acclaimed work “Padre X” to the stage at the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium on Friday.

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Brandon audiences enjoyed a brilliant one-man performance by actor Marc A. Moir, who brought his acclaimed work “Padre X” to the stage at the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium on Friday.

The performance, produced by Looking Glass Theatre, breathed life into the formerly unknown story of Capt. John Weir Foote, the only chaplain to win the Victoria Cross during the Second World War.

Foote received the Victoria Cross for his actions during the Dieppe Raid in 1942, when he walked around the battlefield collecting the wounded and carrying them to safety.

Acting as Capt. John Weir Foote, the only chaplain to win the Victoria Cross during the Second World War, Canadian actor Marc A. Moir speaks about the leadup to Canada’s actions in Dieppe during the war. Moir has performed the multi-award-winning one-man play across Canada and was in Brandon for a private performance on Friday afternoon to a small group of school kids, and a public performance on Friday evening at the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium. (Photos by Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)

Acting as Capt. John Weir Foote, the only chaplain to win the Victoria Cross during the Second World War, Canadian actor Marc A. Moir speaks about the leadup to Canada’s actions in Dieppe during the war. Moir has performed the multi-award-winning one-man play across Canada and was in Brandon for a private performance on Friday afternoon to a small group of school kids, and a public performance on Friday evening at the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium. (Photos by Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)

The simplicity of the set belied the strength of Moir’s unhurried performance, which — for more than an hour — drew those in attendance into a story that CBC previously described as simultaneously “beautiful and horrible.”

Moir took to the stage for an afternoon showing of “Padre X” to a small, select audience of school children and seniors before his Friday evening public performance.

» The Brandon Sun

Actor Marc A. Moir plays out a scene in which Capt. John Weir Foote, the only chaplain to win the Victoria Cross during the Second World War, is injured at Dieppe in his performance of “Padre X” on Friday afternoon.

Actor Marc A. Moir plays out a scene in which Capt. John Weir Foote, the only chaplain to win the Victoria Cross during the Second World War, is injured at Dieppe in his performance of “Padre X” on Friday afternoon.

Moir introduces himself to the audience onstage in the early moments of the play.

Moir introduces himself to the audience onstage in the early moments of the play.

Moir enters the stage looking at his watch under a blue light during the opening scene of “Padre X.”

Moir enters the stage looking at his watch under a blue light during the opening scene of “Padre X.”

Moir climbs an imaginary rope as he speaks about the leadup to Canada’s military actions in Dieppe during the Second World War.

Moir climbs an imaginary rope as he speaks about the leadup to Canada’s military actions in Dieppe during the Second World War.

Moir’s character reflects during a scene in the play.

Moir’s character reflects during a scene in the play.

Head bowed in prayer on stage, Moir delivers a powerful performance as the captain.

Head bowed in prayer on stage, Moir delivers a powerful performance as the captain.

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