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She wasn't sure what she was thinking as she parked her SUV in the unfamiliar neighborhood. All she knew was that this guy had a way with words, but could he back it up and would she flake?
This is one example of how I began to realize that my Dominant side was not simply the "norm". And not only that, but it was powerfully intoxicating for submissives.

I met this mother of 3 through a dating app. We talked for a little causally and both discussed what we were looking for. Our interests did not align. She wanted more than what I was willing to give but despite my warning, we consistently found ourselves having increasingly sexual conversations late at night.

Since college, I created a few rules that have been able to help determine a woman's intensions. I state to them that I am a man of a few rules. As I've come to learn, this becomes a trigger of sorts for submissives. One rule I have is that conversations after 11pm will become sexual in nature and thus 11:00pm is the "booty call witching hour". This particular woman, like most brats, thought herself the exception and would proceed to ignore texts during the day in exchange for starting conversations after 10:30pm. This lasted twice before I called her bluff.

"You do realize that you're hitting me up late at night. That means you're trying to fuck."

"Haha! You wish. I'm just busy, I can't just text you back when you text me all the time."

"So you conveniently text me while you're relaxed, in bed, lonely, and likely wearing something you feel good in?"

"And maybe had a glass of wine."

"Smh... That's a recipe for you making bad decisions then."

"Whatever, you're just horny..."

This conversation continued letting me know that in fact, she was lonely, horny and used our conversations as stimulation atleast on a mental level. The seed had been planted.

The next day, I changed my tact. She contacted me late again and I told her, directly, "It's clear what you want. Come and get it." This threw her off at first, but her curiosity got the better of her. I told her that I wasn't for the long conversation tonight but would entertain her if she'd like to come over instead. We lived close enough to each other that it would only take a couple mins. This put her in quitea position. Leave her family (single parent though living with a relative) in the middle of the night to meet a stranger at his apartment for the first time to obviously and eventually get fucked.

Despite her numerous attempts to persuade herself otherwise, she prepared herself for this encounter. On my end, I wasn't sure she'd actually comply until I saw her drive by looking for parking. The only prep I had given her was that coming to my apartment was a signal that she was ready to take that step towards things being physical. I watched as she collected her thoughts in the car. A devilish smile crept across my face. I texted her that when she walked up to the door, it would be open and to lock it behind her. As she stepped into my living room, she'd find a pillow on the ground in front of the couch. She was to take off any jacket or extra layers and purse and then kneel on the pillow and await my instruction. I wasn't sure what to actually expect, if I'm honest, but hearing the doorknob turn signaled that things were about to get interesting.

In short, she was as attractive as her pictures let on. About 5'-6", good curves and thickness but not overweight. I could tell she did workout, maybe not as much as she'd like. She gave a quizzical and skeptical look as she walked in, glancing at the pillow before looking at me casually leaning back on the couch. "You're funny..." she smirks as she takes her jacket off. I remain silent, studying her movements and watching her inner battle. She has a little nervousness about her, her hands shake just a bit. It's understandable, you're in a strange man's domain for the first time. This isn't remotely close to a first date, let alone first encounter you've ever had. You both know what the intention is and both aware that there were several points that could've allowed you to take a different path. However, here you are... Standing in this living room, in front of a pillow on the floor. Me watching you. You telling me that you can't stay that long because you have to get back before your kids wake up or your sister begins to worry.

Her Submission

I gesture for her to kneel. She hesitates but sighs and complies. I lean forward and whisper in her ear that we will not do anything she's uncomfortable with, that I have no intention of having anything that isn't freely given to me and that I understand that this entire situation might be very uncomfortable. But she's here and if she is willing to continue, to place her hands in her lap, palms facing up. Her hands rest on her thighs and palms open, slightly trembling.

I slowly and careful and intentionally explore her upper body with my hands. Her neck, shoulders, back. I make it a point not to be too aggressive but work more towards putting her at ease. I tell her to remove her clothing down to her bra, if she's wearing one. She complies and is now kneeling in my living room in her bra and tights. I ask if she's comfortable continuing. She agrees. I tell her that I'm going to remove her bra. She looks at me with daggers in her eyes before realizing that she knew where this was going. I move behind her, squatting, and undo the clasp sliding the straps off her soft shoulders. I toss it aside and return my hands to her shoulders giving her a light massage. My hands work their way down her chest and cup her breasts in my hands from behind. They are nice full C-cups and her nipples poke into my palms. As I lightly pinch one with my right hand, the left moves up to her neck grasping her neck. I hear her whimper as her body stiffens. "Relax. Just a little pressure. I got you." My hand gives a little squeeze on her throat but an even tighter one on her nipple. Feeling a woman moan in your hand is quite a sensation. The left hand works it way behind her head grasping her hair and gently pulls her head back while I continue fondling her right breast. I whisper, "You like this shit, don't you?" She licks her lips before swallowing hard and gasping out a "yea".

I drop my hands and stand up realizing she'd been leaning on me for support. She rocks back into her kneeling position. I stand in front of her. She looks up at me trying to avoid the obviously bulge in my shorts. "This is what you came for isn't it? Reach up and put your hands on my chest." She reaches up, her body against mine and puts her palms on my pecs. "You like?" I ask. "Yes" her delicate response. I take my shirt off. "Better?" "...yes" "Good, grab my waistband, pull it down and pull out my dick". Her hands slide down my torso feeling my muscles ripple slightly under her touch. Her left hand pulls down my shorts as her right reaches inside grasping my engorged member. She pulls the shorts all the way down with me stepping out of them as she holds onto my hardening shaft. "Let go" her hands return to her lap. "Kiss it" a light peck. "Again" another peck. "Put it in your mouth" she hesitates. Recognizing her apprehension, I bend over leaning into her ear, "you don't want to suck my dick?" "No." Interesting I think, smirking.

I back away studying her again. I take her hands. "Stand up. The bathroom is there, the bedroom is there and obviously you know where the door is and where your things are. I'll be in the bedroom, naked, just like this. If you come in there, you will need to be naked too because I'm going to fuck you... well... and thoroughly satisfy you. Feel free to freshen up, follow me or get dressed and go home. Either way, I appreciate you coming over."

I walk into the bedroom allowing her to take in the full nude form of my athletic build before disappearing into the darkness. I lay on the bed stroking my dick as I hear her rustling in her belongings. Her sensual silhouette emerges in doorway, "Just had to text my sister that I was okay". A smirk flashes in the dark on my face before she crawls into my bed.

The Sex

Needless to say, we had sex that night. I pinned her down before biting her neck and caressing her breasts in my hands. Her legs wrapped around my waist as she moaned in my ear. I traveled down her body sucking her breasts and nipples. Her hands on my shoulders and head encouraging me to keep heading south, I indulge. While planting kisses along her stomach, I spread her legs open, inhaling the scent of her neglected sex. Her aroma filling my nostrils and making my blood boil. I kiss the insides of her thighs, sometimes nibbling as well, teasing her and making her squirm in anticipation. My thumb glides through her slick and wet folds, feeling her tightness before pressuring her exposed clit. She jumps. "Sensitive, I see" teasing. She lays motionless awaiting the next sensation. Grabbing the back of her knees in my hands, I push her legs up and open, my face diving into her bush. I can hear her breath catch and feel her body stiffen. I run my tongue from her juicy opening up to her clit sending electricity through her as I feel her legs relax and give way. I start sucking on the plump lips of her pussy as she whimpers. Her juices are sweet and I enjoy my exploration of her juicy snatch. Her hips grind and push against my face as her nectar gushes against my chin. I slowly work a finger into her tight entrance as I tease her clit. Instinctively, her pussy clamps around the intrusion as she gasps and writhes. Curling my finger, I begin my assault as her hands leave my body to grasps at the bed. "Gimme that shit" I growl between breaths inviting more of her juices to splash around. I can feel her ass clench as her orgasm builds. I speed up my tongue and it encourages her breathing to keep pace. My finger now fully inserted, curls and presses into that now ragged and fleshy surface of her G-spot. She screams her approval as she sucks in air. "Ooohhhh" she wails. "Cum for me!" I command before sliding my finger out and back in deeper applying more pressure to her sensitive spot. I flick my finger inside her and she takes off screaming before turning her head into the pillows to muffle the sound. Her thighs clamp around my head trapping my finger and hand in place in her as she rides out her orgasm. I can feel the her heartbeat as blood is rushing passed my ears in her thighs. As she begins to relax, I withdraw my hand that's been drenched in her pussy juices. Looking up, her chest heaves as her body periodically trembles as she exhales.

While she's slowly coming back to her senses, I sit up between her thighs allowing her to relax. I reach over to the night stand and grab the gold foil wrapped condom. Listening to her breathing heavily, I sheath my now precum dripping cock. Her face is still turned to the side as I stroke my covered cock and begin to raise up. I slide my dick down between her lips and leave it to rest gently against her opening. "Wha...." she snaps back before I begin to slide myself into her. Her hands reach up to my chest as I readjust. My head slips between her lips and for the first time, she feels my girth begin to broach her sex. Her fingernails claw into my pecs as I push more of my inches into her. I angle my hips and drive completely into her quivering pussy, bottoming out and I can feel my balls rest against her puckered asshole and plump cheeks. She moans a deep "fuuuuuuckkkk" as she feels me lodged deep within. I grind up and flex my member making her body jump in time. I giggle which gets a quick and immediate "shut up! You're big as fuck and deeee..." I begin to stroke her.

I hook my arms under her knees pushing her open and begin plowing into this neglected mother's quickly frothing vagina. Every stroke pushes against her deepest walls and makes the bed beneath us groan. Her body folded up simply becomes a hole for me to abuse as my cock saws in and out of her deep. Her face buries into the pillows again as she cums through my assault. We quickly find a rhythm and before too long, her hips are grinding up against me as I crash deep into her; opening her up and adjusting her pussy to accommodate it's new friend. The creamy substance collecting along the base of my shaft tells me she's thoroughly enjoying herself for the first time in a long time.

After several minutes of building her up to orgasms, pushing her through and then letting her relax, I decide it's time to wrap things up. As hard as my dick is my mind keeps drifting and worrying that her children are going to realize their mother is gone late into the night and early morning. She's also exhausted and asks for a break to rest. It's just after 2am on a weeknight. She mentions that I didn't cum yet, to which I confirm and explain that tonight was about her. I sense an internal conflict brewing in her as she lays spread eagle beneath me. She closes her legs and rolls to her side covering up. I assure her that me not cumming wasn't about her not being good enough and how good she felt but some women tend to have a sharp reaction to this kind of thing making them feel inadequate.

"It's getting late but I'm not kicking you out. I can set an alarm or..."

"Just gimme ten minutes" she calmly answers.

We lay there naked in silence to the most awkward and longest ten minutes of the entire night. She lays with her back to me while I'm on my back replaying the nights events back in my mind. The unusual episode and beginning to this encounter intrigues me and I absentmindedly find myself playing with my cock. She stirs before stretching and getting up completely. She leaves the room leaving an awkward and ever present tension in the air. Concern begins to settle in as I begin to consider the ramifications of everything that transpired. Although, I feel this was consensual (and it was) this uneasiness needs be settled. I get up and stroll out the room, dick swinging freely, following her back into the living room where she's collecting her bra and top from the floor. She senses me approaching but doesn't turn around. "You good?" I ask. "Yea... Ummm... I guess I'm just not really used to this kinda thing." I nod reassuringly to her statement. "But I'm fine. You have a good dick and I haven't cum so much before but I barely even know you and I've done shit I've never done before... I just don't know..." she trails off. "Listen, we're two adults, we had fun and got what we wanted. You came alot and yeah, I pushed some boundaries but I don't think anything went too far and like I said it was about you tonight." I reassured her almost feeling like I was convincing her. "No, that's fine... I dunno... You didn't cum..." she says with heavy weight and almost guilt in her voice. "Well you're just gonna have to earn it then" I say stroking my still erect member as she half turns towards me. She places her hand under my balls and rolls them in her fingers. "How?" she inquires. "How what?" I press. She looks me in my eyes, "How do I earn your cum, sir?"

And thus begins a series of encounters.
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