
@article{hbkup:/content/journals/10.5339/qmj.2024.qitc.7, author = "Al-Tikrity, Mustafa A and Thomas, Merlin and Al Langawi, Mona and El Ajez, Reem Hasan Mustafa", title = "Overcoming Burkholderia cepacia by successful eradication with clinical improvement in cystic fibrosis", journal= "Qatar Medical Journal", year = "2024", volume = "2024", number = "2 - Qatar Thoracic Conference", pages = "", doi = "https://doi.org/10.5339/qmj.2024.qitc.7", url = "https://www.qscience.com/content/journals/10.5339/qmj.2024.qitc.7", publisher = "Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press)", issn = "2227-0426", type = "Journal Article", keywords = "Cystic fibrosis", keywords = "Eradication therapy", keywords = "Burkholderia cepacian", keywords = "Clinical improvement", eid = "7", }