Nanotechnology Now - Technology Monitoring

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Technology Monitoring Service

Technology Monitoring Service

Helping form profitable partnerships

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Nanotechnology Intellectual Property (IP) and Research Monitoring Service

Providing the information you need to acquire the IP & partnerships you want!

What is it?

A technology monitoring service. Our team of professional investigators works closely with university and national lab researchers, technology transfer administrators, and IP attorneys. We contact research departments directly and investigate areas they plan on researching in the future, so companies interested in partnering with them can contact them to supply funding and get in on the ground floor when it comes time to market the product.

University research in the U.S. today is generating technological breakthroughs at an unprecedented rate. University technology transfer groups recognize that the best way to commercialize the discoveries made by their research teams is to seek partnerships with businesses, and let them find practical applications. Many businesses are eager to form partnerships, but only a few are successful.

Our new, pro-active, customizable service is focused on your specific requirements. We will find the nascent research and patents you need for batteries for construction tools, materials for the automotive industry, catalysts for fuel cells, or whatever your business needs to succeed.

You determine your interests & requirements, we find the research and/or IP for licensing. We will:

  • notify you about research and/or patent information on a weekly basis
  • notify you about new research and/or patent information immediately as it is available
  • notify you to check new entries in our patent database
  • pro-actively search for IP you want

Bonus Material

In addition to the Technology Monitoring Service, subscribers will receive our NanoTech Transfer Report and University Patent Database.

See www.nanotech-now.com/products/nanotechtransfer/ for details.

Subscribers will also receive our bi-weekly NanoNews Custom, our "what you want - when you want it" solution to NanoNews.

See www.nanotech-now.com/products/nanonewscustom/ for details.

$3,000 for 3 months, $5,000 for 6 months, $9,000 for 12 months

Contact at 541-840-8155 to sign up or learn more about this service.

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