My interest in speed cubing first began when I came across a thrilling YouTube video showcasing a speed cubing competition. The rapid movements of the hands and the satisfying click-clack of the cubes immediately caught my attention, sparking a desire to try it for myself. Little did I anticipate that this simple hobby would evolve into a profound passion and lead me to explore the realm of the latest GAN speed cube models.

GAN’s Evolution

Throughout the years, GAN has solidified its position as a leader in the speed cubing community, consistently introducing innovative advancements that redefine the capabilities of a speed cube. From the initial GAN 356 to the revolutionary GAN 11 M Pro, each new model has brought pioneering features and enhancements that elevate the speed cubing experience to unprecedented levels.

The GAN 11 M Pro

Notably, the GAN 11 M Pro stands out as an exceptional addition to the GAN range. This cube introduces customizable magnet strengths, empowering cubers to tailor the cube’s feel to meet their preferences. The exceptional performance and premium quality of this speed cube have made it a preferred choice among top-tier cubers, myself included.

My Experience with the GAN 11 M Pro

Upon acquiring the GAN 11 M Pro, I was immediately captivated by its seamless and effortless turning. The adaptable magnet system sets it apart, allowing me to fine-tune the cube’s feel to accommodate diverse solving techniques. Its lightweight construction and unwavering stability make it a dependable option for both practice sessions and competitive solves.

The Future of GAN Speed Cubes

As a devoted speed cuber, I eagerly anticipate GAN’s future endeavors. Their unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence continues to captivate and enthrall the community. Given the impressive standard set by the GAN 11 M Pro, I can only envision the remarkable advancements that will be introduced in the forthcoming generation of GAN speed cubes.


In summary, delving into the world of GAN speed cubes has been an incredibly exhilarating journey. The GAN 11 M Pro has not only revolutionized my solving experience but has also exposed me to the boundless potential of speed cubes. With GAN’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of speed cubing, I ardently await the future of this dynamic and ever-evolving pastime. Immerse yourself in the topic and uncover new insights using this handpicked external material for you, Discover further.

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