
Smart shipping o that

Grow Your Business

Pick, pack, and ship your own order with low shipping rates, smart automations, and powerful inventory tools

Fully Integrated with 10+ Buy

Shipping tools

Automation tools that simplify your shipping
The same guarantees offered

You'll be protected againts A-Z carrier claims related to late delivery and negative feedback. Just like you find in Buy Shipping

Amazon-discounted rates

You'll be protected againts A-Z carrier claims related to late delivery and negative feedback. Just like you find in Buy Shipping

The same guarantees offered

You'll be protected againts A-Z carrier claims related to late delivery and negative feedback. Just like you find in Buy Shipping

Get immediate discounted rates with all four major carrier

Immediately access discounted UPS, USPS, and FedEx rates, No negotiation, No volume requirement needed, Or connect your own carrier account

Automation tools that simplify your shipping

Automation tools that simplify your shipping

20+ Features

13K+ Total user

Automatic rate selection

Save time with rate shopping that automatically chooses label

Automatic rate selection

Jalaga can select the best rates and ship up to 100 orders at once

Automatic rate selection

Set up weight, value, delivery options, and other specs in advance

Our mission to help sellers, like you, stay a step ahead

Unlimited users
Unlimited orders

Get started in a minutes

You're just three simple steps from cutting your ships costs and managing all your ecommerce in one place
Step 01

Create your account

It's quick, easy, and free to use, no matter how much you ship
Step 02

Connect a store

It's quick, easy, and free to use, no matter how much you ship
Step 03

Save on your very first shipment

It's quick, easy, and free to use, no matter how much you ship

Marino Adithyas Silalahi

Tirtanegara Shop

"I didn't realize how efficient Jalaga would make our bussiness. It has at least halved the time it takes to fulfill orders"

Want to know more about our product?

A few of the question we get most often

I'm a non-UK seller. Is Jalaga available from today for me too?

Yes, Jalaga is available today in the non-UK for free. Sellers can connect their own carrier rates and start shipping. We'll roll out access to power features soon

I'm a non-UK seller. Is Jalaga available from today for me too?

Yes, Jalaga is available today in the non-UK for free. Sellers can connect their own carrier rates and start shipping. We'll roll out access to power features soon

I'm a non-UK seller. Is Jalaga available from today for me too?

Yes, Jalaga is available today in the non-UK for free. Sellers can connect their own carrier rates and start shipping. We'll roll out access to power features soon

Schedule a demo we'll help you decide if Jalaga is right for you.

No pressure. We promise
Inventory control
Digital picking