Four Criteria to Meet to be a Good Candidate for Burlington, Ontario Dental Implants - Bix BY Mag

Four Criteria to Meet to be a Good Candidate for Burlington, Ontario Dental Implants

Losing a tooth is always frustrating. It may truly be a cosmetic issue if it’s the front tooth. But tooth loss can be more than just a cosmetic concern when not replaced as soon as possible. The best family dentists in Burlington, Ontario, will always say that a missing tooth can lead to other oral health issues. After you lose a tooth, the teeth that surround it will shift to the created gap to try to fill it. This can lead to teeth misalignments and bite issues. Also, you will eventually lose bone in the jaw portion where you lose a tooth. In turn, this can lead to gum recession and facial collapse. 

When it comes to teeth replacements, the most reliable option you can get are dental implants. Unlike traditional dentures, implants can last for decades and stop jawbone deterioration. However, not everyone is a good candidate for this dental treatment. Your dentist can determine if you can benefit from implants. Generally, dental implants are for you if you meet the following criteria:

You Have Healthy Gums

Keep in mind that the condition of your teeth and gums impacts your oral health. So, if your gums are receding because of advanced gum disease, dental implants may not be for you. The reason is that your teeth may fall out if they are not properly supported by your gums.

You Have Sufficient Jawbone Density

Dental implants can be properly placed when you have sufficient jawbone density. But you can get a bone graft if your jawbone is not dense enough. This procedure involves taking a portion of bone from another body part and grafting it into your jawbone. This ensures the implant gets enough support to anchor to the jawbone properly. 

You Don’t Smoke

If you smoke tobacco products, you cannot get dental implants. Remember that your oral health is connected with your overall health. If you smoke, it is highly like that the implant won’t fuse to your jawbone properly. Also, you may heal more slowly following an implant procedure. 

You Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Taking care of your smile is key to a longer implant lifespan. To ensure your implants last for many years, you must brush your teeth two times a day for two minutes and floss once every day. Also, you must visit your dentist every six months for a professional dental cleaning and an oral exam. Your dentist will monitor your implants’ condition to ensure they last for the longest time possible. If you don’t stick to a good oral hygiene routine, you won’t be able to make the most out of your implants.