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Recent BFRS Events



At our Military to Civilian Events, BFRS offer the Armed Forces Community the chance to meet employers, find jobs, access self-employment opportunities, enrol in training schemes and get in touch with a whole raft of support services specialising in the transition from Military to Civilian life.

Entrance to events is free and each event includes a wide range of exhibitors from local and high-profile companies who actively seek to employ ex-Service personnel or offer self-employment franchise opportunities. It has been known for candidates to receive job interviews within a week of meeting an employer at one of our events. Click on an event title for more details.

'; $('#listOfData').html('
' + template + template + '
'); populateList(); }); function populateList() { var template = '
Start Date: [STARTDATE]
'; $.ajax({ url: entityAPIPath + 'stands/events/future/' + ($('#searchByEventType').val() === '' ? '' : '?eventtype=' + $('#searchByEventType').val()), method: 'GET', processData: false, headers: { 'X-Authorisation-Domain': domainKey } }) .done(function (data) { switch (data.statuscode) { case '00': var thisList = ''; data.results.forEach(function (e) { thisList += template; thisList = thisList.replace('[ROWNUMBER]', e.RowNumber); thisList = thisList.replace('[URL]', e.URL); thisList = thisList.replace('[EVENTNAME]', e.EventName); thisList = thisList.replace('[STARTDATE]', showDate(e.StartDate)); thisList = thisList.replace('[EVENTTYPE]', e.EventType.replaceAll('|', '')); thisList = thisList.replace('[DESCRIPTION]', e.DescriptionAsPlainText); if (e.HasImageUploaded) thisList = thisList.replace('[LOGO]', '/images/event-logos/200x100/logo-' + e.EntityID + '.jpg'); else thisList = thisList.replace('[LOGO]', ''); if (e.EventWhere.replaceAll('|', '') !== '') thisList = thisList.replace('[WHERE]', '
Where: ' + e.EventWhere.replaceAll('|', '') + '
'); thisList = thisList.replace('[WHERE]', ''); if (e.TotalCompanyBookings !== 0) thisList = thisList.replace('[EXHIBITORS]', '
Total Exhibitors: ' + e.TotalCompanyBookings + ' stands/companies
'); thisList = thisList.replace('[EXHIBITORS]', ''); }); if (thisList === '') $('#listOfData').html(showNoResultsMessage('events')); else $('#listOfData').html('
' + thisList + '
'); break; default: // handles not success response } }) .fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus) { console.log('eventsSearch/default: Error ' + jqXHR.status + ':' + jqXHR.statusText); }); }